The Nolasco Family
Celebrating Love, Life, and a Vibrant Blend of Cultures

In the heart of our tranquil neighborhood, the Nolasco family is a testament to love and resilience. Cyndi and Robert have lived in Alessandro Heights for over a decade. The first time I had the pleasure of meeting them was over the holidays. Robert invited me in and showed me the beautiful Christmas tree in their entryway. It was adorned with ornaments brought home from their travels around the world. The Nolascos radiate warmth, diversity, and a genuine appreciation for life, and I'm delighted to share their story with you.
Cyndi and Robert's journey started in November 1975, when they crossed paths while they were both working at the AT&T exhibit "America the Beautiful" at Disneyland. Fast forward to April 1977, and the two exchanged vows, marking the beginning of a lifelong adventure. Cyndi, a retired flight attendant, and Robert, a retired AT&T engineering manager, have since embraced the joys of travel, visiting 26 countries together. More adventures are on the horizon with 2 additional countries to be visited in the coming months.
The Nolasco family tree extends across generations, backgrounds, passions, and professions. Their daughter, Amber, has soared through 21 years as a JetBlue flight attendant. Amber also coaches youth soccer and has returned to school to complete her BA degree. Their son, Matthew, who unfortunately has passed, is survived by his wonderful and driven child, Alyssa. The spotlight often shines on the three grandchildren—Brady, the 11-year-old, 6 foot tall, basketball enthusiast, Olivia, the 14-year-old high school freshman, and Alyssa, a junior at California Baptist University, excelling as an EMT and vice president of the physician assistant club. Alyssa also volunteers her time 2 days a week at Kaiser Hospital.
Originally hailing from Anaheim and Santa Ana, respectively, Cyndi and Robert, both California natives, have embraced and celebrated their blended heritage. As Robert states, "Love sees no colors, only good people. We are English, Irish, Mexican, Italian, French and Polish. This makes for a lot of good times and a lot of good food to eat."
For the Nolascos, the ideal day involves a family cookout, pool time, a game of hoops, and relaxation in the jacuzzi. Movie nights, trips to water parks and the beach, and visits to Starbucks are cherished traditions that bring the family together and are favorites of the kids.
Cyndi finds fulfillment in her ongoing volunteer work at the Pink Ribbon Thrift and the Riverside Women's Club. Pink Ribbon Thrift is a shop here in Riverside that supports local families impacted by cancer. 100% of all contributions go directly to help those families. Cyndi is also an avid painter. Not in the artist sense of the word. She loves to paint the interior of their home regularly. While Robert enjoys focusing on the gardening and outdoor projects, you’ll regularly find Cyndi, with brush and roller in hand, giving a fresh and beautiful look to the walls, baseboards, and even the ceilings. Robert has always been active and continues to do so by playing golf, and also occasionally joining basketball and racquetball games. The Nolascos also find joy in dining at local favorites like Mario's Place, Ooka Sushi, and the Mission Inn.
The Nolascos have faced their share of challenges, including the loss of their son, Matthew, as well as some health struggles. Yet, their resilience and the unwavering support of their loving family have seen them through, emphasizing the importance of treasuring each day. For those in the neighborhood who know the Nolascos, you're most likely aware that Cyndi had been fighting cancer for some time now. I am happy to let everyone know that in just the last couple of months, she recently received a cancer-free diagnosis, and we are all absolutely delighted to get that news.
As they look toward the future, the Nolasco family remains united by the bonds of love, respect, and an enduring appreciation for the diverse fabric of their lives. For them, the perfect day is one spent with family and close friends, savoring the joys of togetherness and the precious moments that make life truly remarkable.