Introducing, King Rufus

JF: Hello King Rufus. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance today.
Rufus: Greetings fellow animal overlords; it is I, Rufus, Poodle Lord of Tennis Balls and Smelly Socks! My glorious rule is nearing its second year of belly rubs and delicious treats. It is my distinct pleasure to welcome you all to my realm.
JF: The pleasure is all mine, Rufus. How would you describe your reign in the household?
Rufus: I am worthy of the reverence of my human subjects. I welcome all to my kingdom with my traditional display of tail wags and handshakes. It is little wonder that I am showered with sumptuous bones as a tribute to my benevolence and wisdom.
JF: Tail wags and handshakes. How cordial. Do you have other talents we should know about?
Rufus: I am the most humble of rulers and do not often boast of my excellence or prowess. However, I am also incredibly polite and would never deny any request to enumerate my many accomplishments. The humans have bestowed upon me the title of Psychiatric Service Dog. I am extremely perceptive and able to address both the mental and emotional needs of my subjects before they are paralyzed by their anxiety: all are assured of my preeminence and continued goodwill.
JF: The Stroll Family thinks very highly of those who give back and serve. It is great to meet one who has been recognized for such talents. We now know your many strengths; would you mind sharing your biggest fear?
Rufus: My only fear is for the wellbeing of my subjects, as is right for any true king and ruler. I am especially concerned that I will find my kingdom empty, depriving my subjects of my presence and the privilege of serving me. They say I am afraid of being alone, but it is truly my concern for them.
JF: I am certain you are appreciated for your deep concern for others. Can you tell me a little about when your family first brought you to their home…I mean, your kingdom?
Rufus: When I was a young but promising prince, my royal parents deemed it was not right to keep my glory to themselves. They instructed their subjects to have the message taken far and wide that I was ready to share my magnificence with another land. A pair of desperate wretches traveled across the wide desert (Arizona) to plead their need for the rule of a just king. I took pity on them and permitted them to gift me their lands and enter into my eternal service.
JF: How gracious of you to join them in this new place so far away. Do you share this new kingdom with any other, um, rulers?
Rufus: I am ashamed to admit that all is not well in my kingdom. It is plagued by a pair of feline felons that seek to usurp me and lead my subjects to ruin. One is a devious elderly orange tomcat, who beguiles the gullible with his friendly mewling before scratching them with the force of his mighty paws. The other is a young white Maine Coon, whose deafness elicits compassion and complacency from the innocent. When they are off their guard he leaps to the attack, yelling at them at the top of his small lungs, ambushing their feet from under every table and chair. If I was not here to protect my subjects, I am certain they would have perished long ago.
JF: Wow, your bravery is certainly noted. Outside of your home, do you get along with others in the neighborhood?
Rufus: I am well loved by all in my realm. When I grace the land with my radiance, I hear all the other dogs exclaiming their appreciation of my mastery of all things canine. The felines flee in fear of my ferocious fangs. Silly fools, I would never debase myself by punishing their lawless ways with brute force.
JF: Impressive. Both protective and lovable. That is quite a combination. With all of these amazing accolades, have you ever found yourself in trouble?
Rufus: I have, on occasion, had to put down a well-intentioned revolt. During the Great Hamper Flood of 2023, I sacrificed myself by consuming all of the excess smelly socks and underwear that threatened to overwhelm my defenseless citizens. They were understandably horror-struck by the peril I placed myself in. The gruesome garments fought well and nearly overcame me; however, the timely assistance of my servants saw the remaining clothes expelled from my body (emergency stomach surgery). The day was saved, and I had a handsome scar on my belly to show my heroism. However, my citizens were so distraught by my near defeat that they sought to imprison me to keep me from risking my royal self ever again. They went so far as to entrap my head in the dreaded Cone of Shame. It took me weeks to escape from my captivity, but I was victorious and reclaimed my throne.
JF: Well, we are all happy to hear you survived that harrowing tale. What would you say you are most grateful for?
Rufus: I am grateful for the opportunity to allow my subjects to better themselves through service and devotion to me. My example will certainly lead them to a higher state of existence.
JF: The selflessness abounds. As we wrap up this ever so riveting meeting, could you share what you love most about being part of your family?
Rufus: I love that my subjects are so dedicated to my service that they invent new excuses to shower me with treats and toys. They offer me gifts when I allow them to walk with me, to lay down in comfort, to permit them to rub my belly and many other activities that I am already inclined to do. They crave my pleasure and I love to see the joy on their faces knowing I have lifted their lives out of the monotony they were doomed to before my intervention.