A common expression that I have heard from most people that I have met in the world is, “All we want is a peaceful life”. During my early years, World War II was on. I don’t remember any
details about those days other than when my father worked on a project to supply fuel to the
allies. Then I began to listen to, read and watch news about many subsequent wars mainly the
Korean war, the Cold war, the Vietnam war, the Baltic war, the Iraqi war, the Israel wars, the
Ukrainian war, etc. I questioned myself if most people want a peaceful life, why are there so
many wars? And not only between countries or groups of countries, but internal civil wars, and
between families and even between members of the same family? Wars have caused the early
death of millions of people all over the world.
A historical review of mankind shows that in the first human family, Cain killed Abel because he
could not stand to be outperformed by his younger brother. In other words, his pride was hurt.
Since then, all of us have inherited this pride. Thus, I have concluded that pride is what has
caused all the conflicts between countries and between individuals. The opposite of pride is
One more historical example is in the story of Noah. Several thousands of years ago, he lived in a perverted world. One day, Noah heard the word of God instructing him and his family to build an ark that one day would be used to save them and many selected animals from a forthcoming flood. Although, he had never seen much rain in his life, he obeyed humbly the word of God. It took them approximately two hundred years for Noah, his wife, their three children with their wives, to build the huge ark. The people around him would harass and mock him, but he remained faithful to complete the ark. When it began to rain, and the selected animals boarded the ark, the doors were closed, the ark floated over the flooded world and the rest of the people outside perished. After several months, the waters receded and one of the first signs that some of the land was dry again was brought by a dove to the ark, with a tree leaf in its beak. God gave mankind a second chance.
From then to this date, pride has reappeared in all humans again. Approximately four thousand
years ago, God began to send His prophets for them to speak for Him to the people. Finally, two thousand years ago, God sent His Son Jesus to teach us His Father’s true words one more
time. He said among many other things, “Blessed are the meek (humbly patient), for they shall
inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5”) He also gave us the message that we needed to repent and
turn the direction of our lives to be saved from ultimate destruction. He even gave details of
when this is going to happen. The people did not like what they heard and killed him. Jesus
words are recorded in the Bible.
Therefore, before it is too late, it is up to us to believe that God still loves all humans, and He is
our only refuge. “…as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15)