Arizona Taxpayers Can Provide Tuition Scholarships for Underserved Students

Did you know AZ taxpayers can redirect their state tax liability to fund tuition scholarships for underserved children? Through the Arizona Private Education Tax Credit program, individuals receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against what they owe the state of Arizona by contributing to organizations like Catholic Education Arizona.
Catholic Education Arizona creates scholarships for underserved children to change lives, serve society, and transform culture. Redirecting your tax dollars to Catholic Education Arizona allows you to create scholarships for children who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend Catholic school. “You have no idea how much stress you take off families every year!” said the Gatica family, a scholarship recipient. “Without this scholarship, I wouldn’t be able to afford a Catholic education for my family,” she said. The Gatica family is just one of thousands positively impacted by AZ tax credits.
You can choose how your AZ tax dollars are used. To redirect your AZ tax dollars, visit and fill out the contribution form or call 602-218-6542 and we will walk you through it. A tax credit receipt will be provided to you as proof of your tax payment. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes, however, the deadline is approaching. Individual contributors must submit their contributions to Catholic Education Arizona by April 15, 2024.
Catholic Education Arizona is the largest provider of scholarships to families attending Catholic schools in the Diocese of Phoenix. Individuals and corporations continue to support Catholic Education Arizona and The Diocese of Phoenix Catholic High Schools because of their impressive results:
- 99.8% graduation rate
- 96% of graduates matriculate to higher education, trade school, or enter military service
- 1000s of hours of community service conducted annually
“We pray that people will continue to direct their state tax dollars to Catholic Education Arizona so that many more children can have the opportunity to receive the incredible gift of a Catholic education,” said the Gatica family. Becoming a hero in a child’s life is within reach today. To learn more about how you can make a lasting impact on a child’s life, visit or call our office at (602) 218-6542.
Catholic Education Arizona is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization and has never accepted gifts designated for individuals. Per state law, a school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of donor recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer’s own dependent.