Meet Our Fur Baby, Chibi

One her favorite perches with a good view...
This is our tuxedo cat, Chibi (pronounced Cheebee), which means “very little” in Japanese. Her foster mom gave her this name when she began fostering her at about two weeks old. Chibi weighed just two pounds at age two months when we happily adopted her seven years ago.
Chibi lives indoors because of the coyotes who roam the nearby ravine and sometimes visit our neighborhood. She entertains herself by watching the many birds that come to our backyard feeders but gets most excited when large groups of quail (sometimes up to twenty!) devour the bird seed that has dropped onto the ground from the feeders.
Chibi is a very friendly cat and especially enjoys those with a gentle nature. She’ll greet you at the front door and might later nudge a small ball toward you, hoping that you’ll roll it back to her so that she can bat it back to you. She’s quite the batter so you may wear out before she does!
Like all kitties, Chibi has many favorite napping spots, including her silky personal sham. A friend has said that she wants to come back in her next life as one of our cats. Gee, do you think that we spoil Chibi?