What’s Happening with Buttonhook Forest in Chappaqua?

Class B stream
Here’s The History
In June 2022, a group of concerned New Castle residents from all around the community came together to form a non-profit - Friends of Buttonhook Forest Inc (“FoBF”), to save and preserve a 20.3-acre rocky, hilltop forest right here in Chappaqua. This forest owned by Chappaqua Central School District (“CCSD”) was slated to be clear-cut to build six houses. CCSD purchased the land in 1974 as a surplus school site, but it was deemed redundant after Seven Bridges Middle School was built.
FoBF works to educate, inspire, and elevate the importance of this sensitive woodland ecosystem in the NYC reservoir watershed and how it connects with the cultural and spiritual history of Native Americans. What started as a local undertaking has received support nationally and internationally.
FOBF Offers to Purchase Buttonhook Forest
In August 2022, FoBF secured funding through a partnership with the Brothertown Indian Nation and responded to the CCSD Public Open Request for Bids by submitting a bid to purchase the land with a $100,000 bid deposit. This was the only bid received in the Public Open Bid process.
As spring approaches, we hope CCSD will be successful in court when they appear in March, attempting to dismiss a developer’s claims. Only then can they proceed with our bid.
Community Effort - Please Reach Out to Get Involved
As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.“
Our community has the chance to do something historic for our children and grandchildren - to preserve this land, as the Native Americans say, “for seven generations to come.” To protect our waterways and drinking water, defend the endangered species who live in this forest, fight climate change, prevent cultural erasure, and preserve our Native American history.
Sign up for a Buttonhook Forest tour at www.preservebuttonhook.org to see why this extraordinary place is worth saving. And please send us an email for more information at PreserveButtonhook@gmail.com.