The story behind the Nicklaus Clubhouse Art Collection

Art by Michael Karas

Since the first renovation of the Nicklaus Clubhouse in 2006, the club has committed to using only locally inspired artwork to grace the spaces of the clubhouse. Originally, the decorators juried the work that was selected. Subsequently, the Art Committee has recommended and endorsed additional acquisitions. The impressive Michael Karas painting was requisitioned for our foyer.  The beautiful dining room and bar paintings by Marc Hansen and Chris Groves are some fine exemplars of our collection.

“Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do.” - Edgar Degas

While not all Colleton artists are painters, Degas’ quote is true for all those involved in the creative arts. A good artist makes their work look so natural and beautiful that many people feel they could easily recreate it themselves. Artists will attest it’s not that easy.  After periods of experimentation, classes, study, introspection, and observation, many artists do find their comfort level. Yet many do not. Their pursuit of whatever they are hoping to convey continues.  As creative doors open, the exploration reveals more knowledge about the subject matter, the materials, and how best to express what’s in the artist’s heart and mind.  It’s a journey that can be frustrating but also exhilarating.

Colleton Artists are invited to meet 3 days a month in the Marsh Room in the  Dye for informal, Open Studio work to share ideas, and techniques, and get input on whatever they are working on. It’s inspiring to see the variety of approaches that each artist employs.  Any Colleton artist is welcome, whether a wanna-be or an established professional.  Bring your own materials and work on your own project while spending creative time with like minded people.  Stay for a day, part of a day- whatever works for your schedule.  Check the Communique for dates.  Please call the Front Desk to sign up so there is a desk on which you can work.

While in the past we hosted 4-5 artist workshops a year, our first Guest Artist Workshop In the Marsh Room, the new space at the Dye, was held November 5-7, 2024. Anne-Hightower Patterson is a nationally known watercolorist who has received many awards. She is an excellent teacher.  Her workshop on using the intensity of color to change the way a painting ‘reads’ was as much an academic challenge as it was a creative exploration.

Some workshop highlights… THE ART WALL
On our Members Art Wall in the Nicklaus Clubhouse, you’ll see oil, watercolor, and acrylic paintings, mixed media, photographs, and pastels that will capture your attention. New track lighting shines light on the artwork and brings out the beauty of each piece. It takes a lot of time to prepare a layout for the art work and to hang it so that it makes a harmonious presentation. Our wonderful Facilities Staff is an integral part of hanging the art and helping to reposition the lights if needed. The wall is changed 3-4 times a year. Details regarding the dates and times for submitting work are announced in the club’s Commuique. Since it takes a lot of time to make this an attractive gallery presentation, late work can not be added. Artwork should be: current- completed within the last 5 years- and properly framed with hanging wire, not hooks. Otherwise, it will have to be resubmitted for the next time the wall is hung.

Stop by and see the MEMBERS ART WALL in person. 
Who knew there were so many talented artists here in Colleton?


“If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint.” - Edward Hopper