Otis the Yellow Lab: A Ball-catching Pro with a 5 Foot Air Mastery

It had been many years since our last pup when Otis came into our lives. For quite some time I had been visiting Denver Dumb Friends League for a doggie fix and to find a potential four-legged friend when my sister-in-law in South Dakota let us know that her best friend who bred Labs for pheasant hunting had two yellow males that hadn’t been claimed yet. They were both great dogs but when I picked up Otis he looked me in the eye and with his personality I knew he was the one. I don’t think he has ever seen a pheasant, but he can snag a tennis ball five feet in the air.
One very big bullet we dodged was house training. All the pups were born and lived in a horse stable in the barn. The mother had access to a fenced pasture and always took her brood out to do their business so the few accidents we had at home were just us not recognizing his signals to go out. Socialization wasn’t a problem either as the breeder would take the entire litter to public events like their community picnic and turn them loose to play.
As it had been so long since we’d been dog parents and to be fair to our dog, we hired a trainer to train us to be consistent with our commands. Otis just wants to please and as it turns out we were trainable, and we have a great relationship with our boy.
We had a party for Otis for his first birthday and invited all the dogs on the block and well-behaved owners for the birthday/block party. Temporary fencing provided a safe play area for all the pooches and the driveway for refreshments. We had a doggie birthday cake for the furry ones and if any of them were tentative about eating the cake Otis would charge in and help them join the clean plate club.
We had originally wanted a 40-pound dog that didn’t shed. But… we got Otis and at 62 pounds he goes with us wherever we go even when he is left at home. We probably should have invested in a lint roller company. His hair is a very small price to pay though for the love and devotion this little boy gives us. I wish I could be the guy Otis thinks I am.