The Flanagan Family Moves to DI
Photography by Leah Judway Photography

Winston Churchill once said, “There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues are created, strengthened and maintained.”
So with that, almost two years ago, Jennifer and Kevin Flanagan chose Daniel Island to be their home and brought with them several multi-generational family members from both sides to complement the already wonderful inherent qualities of the DI community as they embarked on the virtuistic mission of raising three beautiful children.
The young Flanagan family took the leap and left NY in search of a community to call home and when they did, they sent back word to their family that a magical land did in fact exist and to pack up and head south – and they were able to convince several family members to follow!
Kevin’s parents, Laura and Kevin Sr. came first, with Kevin’s grandfather quickly in tow behind them. Their exodus marked the end of anyone from the family calling New York their home for the first time since just before World War I. The notable beauty of this family reunion on Daniel Island can be seen every time (which is often) the four-generation gap is bridged between little Aidan(6), Charlotte Grace(4), Declan(3) and their great grandfather, Robert Higgins.
It didn’t take long for Jen’s father to make the move as well, in fact, it only took one visit! After a week-long getaway here with his daughter and grandkids, Jeff returned to Pittsburgh, put his house on the market and moved on to Daniel Island in just a few months. Of course, he is most happy to be with his family, but oftentimes admits, the lack of snow, ice and hills isn’t too bad either.
Although yes, home is where the heart is, it also helps if the home is where the community embraces you, where the weather smiles down on you, where the mind escapes to and of course, where your family is always waiting with open arms.
We are so glad you and your family chose Daniel Island as your home!!
Fun Fact: If you yourself are new to Daniel Island, you may recognize Laura Flanagan as she loves to deliver our New Resident Welcome Bags to new homeowners! Laura loves to welcome new folks and share her love for DI!