Meet Darcy

Hi! My name is Darcy and I'm a 2-year-old Australian Labradoodle. I am a playful, frisky, curious and friendly young soul and 90% pure love! My Mom and I are BFFs and I feel most confident when she is nearby. She spoils me, and I spoil her right back! I'm very cuddly and affectionate. I'm also very animated and like to give kisses and make people smile. Sometimes I am nervous about meeting new people and loud noises scare me.
I love it when our family and friends visit because I get extra attention and snuggles. I love long walks and going to visit new places. I like to go to my mom's office and sometimes she takes me with her to Tomlinson's Pet Store. It smells good there and they have yummy treats. I like soft squeaky toys the best, and chew sticks keep me from getting bored! I like to sleep at the head of the bed and share a pillow with my mom. She doesn't mind because I'm so soft and loveable.
I'm a graceful, athletic runner, and I chase my friends Kyto and Lila when we play outside. We meet for doggy happy hour nearly every day! It's so fun. Feel free to come by to play with us! Kyto is my boyfriend and we like to kiss. He's an Aussiedoodle and my mom says he is an old soul.
I am grateful for my family and friends and hope to meet you out and about in ATX!