1936 Ford Humpback Sedan

Owner’s name:
Dr. Marshall Dickholtz
Type of vehicle:
1936 Ford Humpback Sedan, altered to be the only known 1936 Ford Humpback Convertible.
Vehicle nickname:
“The ‘36”
How long have you had this vehicle?
I started building this car 27 years ago and it continues to be an ongoing project.
How did you come to own the vehicle?
Another street rod builder started its rebuild and had the vehicle in its raw version at the Street Rod Nationals North in Kalamazoo, Michigan. We drove there in a two-seater, 1923 T-bucket that I built when I was 15 years old there to the show, with a toddler squished between Lisa and myself. We knew then that with a growing family, I was going to need something bigger.
How often do you drive it?
I drive it as often as I can, which isn’t often enough. It is designed to be driven versus a garage showpiece. I am fortunate to have a great friend in Desert Mountain, Jim Becker, that lets me use his garage, as I have more cars than I have places to put them.
Is it well-known in your neighborhood?
I have met several Desert Mountain members because of driving it around the mountain and my neighbor says she’s always aware of when I’m in town, due to its exhaust rumble.
What do you like best about this vehicle?
It’s something that brings a smile to most people even if they know nothing about cars. It doesn’t matter if they are kids, young adults, boomers, or senior citizens. The bright purple color always gets people’s attention too.
What restoration work has been done?
I personally rebuilt and replaced the motor, transmission, exhaust, brakes, and sound system, hand carved and pounded some of the bodywork, and had the top cut off with a new interior and glass.
What restoration work do you hope to do in the future?
At this point, there’s nothing I want to change about it. My goal is to have more time to drive it. There’s a big show in Scottsdale in November that is always at the same time as the DM Dos Amigos golf tournament. One of these years I need to ditch the tournament and hang out at the car show.
What is the significance of this vehicle to you personally?
I started working on cars when I was 13 years old. Built my first street rod when I was 15. My experience of rodding across the country over the last 50 years is that “street rodders” are some of the nicest people I ever met. I enjoy people and this helps me play with others while enjoying something I have built.
What are your future plans for this vehicle?
Drive it and enjoy the ride!