Drew Hussar: Boston Globe Phelps Foundation Scholar Athlete and MIT Bound

Drew with family at DSHS graduation.
What school did you attend and what are your plans for next year?
I recently graduated from Dover-Sherborn High School and will attend MIT next year where I will play field hockey.
What sports do you play and which one is your favorite?
While at DSHS I played field hockey, basketball, and softball. I have played both field hockey and softball for 7 years, and basketball for 10. Although I love each sport for different reasons, I would say field hockey is my favorite.
What inspired you to get started with your favorite sport?
I was initially inspired to start playing field hockey by my mom. She played at William Smith and encouraged me to give the sport a try when my middle school offered it as a gym elective. I haven’t looked back since!
What position(s) do you play? Do you have a favorite?
In field hockey I have played both mid and back. Despite more overall running, I enjoy playing in the midfield best because it allows me to be involved on both sides of the ball.
What do you enjoy most about playing your favorite sport?
My teammates! I have met so many of my friends through the sport and I look forward to spending time with them at practice each day.
What is your proudest moment and who do you have to thank for helping you get there?
My proudest moment was committing to play field hockey, and then subsequently getting accepted into MIT. It felt as though a lot of my hard work had paid off and it was very rewarding to see. My family, my high school coaches Molly and Thom McGill, and my club coach Sue Caples were all great support systems for me during this process and helped me get to where I am now.
You recently were recognized with a prestigious award? What was the award and what does it signify?
I was recently named the female Boston Globe Phelps Foundation Scholar Athlete for District 7. I am incredibly honored to be recognized with this scholarship from the Boston Globe.
Who is someone that you admire and inspires you? Why?
My parents have been an inspiration to me for all of my life. They have given me every opportunity and supported me through everything, and are a reminder to me that hard work goes a long way. I am very grateful for all they do for me!
What goals do you have for the upcoming season?
One of my goals for this year is to win the NEWMAC, which is the conference MIT plays in. This would also mean an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament, which I would love to play in!
Beyond sports, what else do you like to do? Are you involved with any other extracurricular activities?
Outside of sports, I love to run, hang out with my dogs, and do jigsaw puzzles. I am also currently working at the Charles River Coffee House in Natick.