Say Hi to DUDE!

Family member names: Todd, Theresa & Rylee Albaugh
Pet’s name: DUDE
Type of animal/breed: Italian Greyhound (Iggy)
Type of animal/breed: Italian Greyhound (Iggy)
Male or female: Male
Pet’s age: 4 ½ years old
Where/why did you get your pet? Our son, Rylee asked for an Iggy for Christmas and he never asks for anything, so we found a reputable breeder in Brooksville. We went to see the puppies she had available, not planning on bringing one home that day, however, we fell in love with the little guy!
Is there a story behind its name? We were waiting to see his personality to pick the perfect name for him, but he was so mischievous and into everything within the first 2 days we kept saying Dude, stop Dude, no, Dude get down… so he became DUDE!
Anything special or unusual about them (talents/quirks)? Dude loves his family, when we come in the door, he “talks “ to us, like he is telling us everything that happened when we were gone. He can jump super high. He loves to wear clothes.
What do you like best about your pet? He loves to cuddle and is such a loveable dog.
Any funny stories? 3 squirrels torment him every day by running back and forth on our screen porch so he will chase them. He will chase them for an hour sometimes.
How spoiled is your pet? On a scale of 1-10.. I Say 20!
What else should we know about your pet and/or how your pet has enriched your home/family?
Dude brings so much joy to our family. We lost 2 senior chihuahuas in the last 2 years, so it was great to have his love in our lives. He also gets so excited to see our grandbabies and loves them so much.