Bean Burrito:
The Beloved Australian Shepherd

We have to give a big shout out to our local "play place" in Naperville!
It's a haven for our four-legged friend, Bean Burrito, affectionately known as "Bean." This 1-year and 11-month-old Australian Shepherd, with her striking red Merle coat and tan points, has captured the hearts of many including our friends at Pet Suites his favorite place to play!
A Bit About BeanIt's a haven for our four-legged friend, Bean Burrito, affectionately known as "Bean." This 1-year and 11-month-old Australian Shepherd, with her striking red Merle coat and tan points, has captured the hearts of many including our friends at Pet Suites his favorite place to play!
Australian Shepherds are renowned for their intelligence and boundless energy, traits that Bean embodies perfectly. Known for their herding skills, these dogs are highly trainable and thrive on mental and physical activity. Bean, with her unique personality and quirks, is no exception.
Joining the FamilyBean became a part of our family as a birthday gift for our daughter, Mattison, who had spent years researching breeds and demonstrating her readiness to care for a dog. After finding a reputable breeder through the American Kennel Club’s Marketplace, we connected with Fenner Farms Aussies in Michigan. We were so eager to bring Bean home that we raced through an impending snowstorm in Michigan the week of Thanksgiving. Since then, it's become a tradition to send Devon Fenner a thank you note and an update on Bean’s birthday.
The Story Behind the NameNaming Bean was quite the adventure. Our daughter’s love for burritos led to her strong desire to name her new dog "Burrito." After weeks of debate, we compromised on "Bean," a name loosely associated with burritos. However, upon registering her with the AKC, we discovered there were already other registered dogs named Bean. Ultimately, we settled on "Bean Burrito," satisfying our daughter’s wish while giving us a name that felt right.
Unique Traits and BehaviorsBean’s sassy nature sets her apart. She’s known for her expressive looks, often giving a side-eye if disturbed during her nap. Despite her sass, Bean is very much a Velcro dog, always following us around the room. Unlike some Australian Shepherds, Bean is laid back and doesn't become destructive when bored or left alone.
Favorite MemoryEvery day with Bean brings new memorable moments, but our favorite is her Gotcha Day—the day she came into our lives and we all fell in love with her.
Dream AdventureIf Bean could choose any adventure, it would undoubtedly involve herding and chasing ducks, squirrels, and rabbits. She finds pure joy in running freely with other animals or humans in a field.
Bean's Fun at PetSuitesBean loves her time at PetSuites, especially playing with other dogs. The Puppy Preschool program was particularly beneficial when she was just three months old. We frequently use the All Day Play and occasionally the Boarding services. Bean’s favorite activities include the Enrichment sessions and 1:1 Tutor sessions, where she gets to work with trainers and have a blast.
ConclusionBean Burrito is more than just a pet; she's a cherished member of our family and a favorite at PetSuites in Naperville, they tell us :) Her intelligence, sass, and affectionate nature make her stand out, and we look forward to many more adventures and memories with her.