Hello Jojo, Rouge (AKA Scoobie), & Eli
The Pitre's Treasured Fur...and Fin Babies!

Jacques and Caitlin Pitre, and their girls Katie-Rose and Natalie, are proud to introduce their precious pets: Toy Schnauzer Jojo, Doberman Rouge (aka Scooby), and Beta fish Eli.
Eight-year-old Jojo’s been around the longest. She arrived as a Christmas present to Natalie when she was just eight years old, and she’s lost no enthusiasm for life over the years since. “Jojo still spins in circles like a top when she gets excited or wants a treat.”
Katie-Rose’s prized Beta, Eli, is a hide-and-seek master. He was a 6th birthday gift for her, and the next on the scene. Which, of course, leaves Rouge. The super smart Doberman was a Christmas gift for Natalie in 2023, and gets her name from the red ribbon she had around her neck when the family first met her.
Rouge knows nearly all basic commands, like sit, stay, and heel, but it’s her sneakiness that’s most impressive. She’ll instantly help dispose of any food left unattended, but it’s the food that she can make disappear right out of your unsuspecting hands that’s most impressive. Jojo learned quickly to always be close by to sweep up the crumbs Rouge leaves behind. Between the two of them, they make impressive housekeepers, at least when it comes to food disposal!
The Pitre’s are thankful for the way each of the pets have filled up their hearts and their home. “Our pets are such an important part of our family and we love them so much. Jojo is the best cuddle buddy and a willing shotgun companion always. Rouge’s energy and enthusiasm for play remove any excuse for boredom ever. So, we may spoil them a bit, with their own stockings at Christmas and new toys and treats on almost store trip, but they’re always worth it. We wouldn’t know what to do without our fur babies and our fishy friend!”