Historic Snow Days!
Sneaux Much Fun...For Kids and Parents!

I don’t remember the exact year, so we’ll call it 1987. Here’s what I do remember: sitting in a small upstairs room at First Baptist Church on a very typical Sunday morning when suddenly it wasn’t. What’s Pop doing here? Shouldn’t he be in his own Sunday School class? “Get up. Grab your jacket. We’re going home. It’s snowing!” It’s what?!
Unfortunately, it’s been long enough now that the details beyond that all run together. It’s a blur of laughter and shivers, of garbage bags tied over shoes, of sniffly noses and stinging hands, of snowballs and a snowman! It was simply impossible for the child that I was to appreciate the rarity of that moment- no longer true for this version who enjoyed the magic of the Louisiana Blizzard of 2025.
A blizzard in Louisiana. Impossible, right? Before January 21, 2025 most of us with any history here would’ve said so. Experience had taught us so. Flurries, maybe? Icicles, sure. But a legit blizzard? Ten inches of delicate, white-blanket snowfall? Foot-disappearing-with-each-step, eye-level-snowman-making snowfall? No way. Not anymore. Now experience has taught us again a familiar lesson: never say never.
It was a scene across south Louisiana that just may be impossible to exaggerate. Magical? It sure felt so. Unforgettable? I sure hope so. Ethereal? It definitely seemed so. Maybe you’d have better luck than me identifying superlatives that exceed the experience; or hopefully, like me, you enjoyed it too much to bother trying. What a gift it was.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. – Psalm 19:1