Meet the McCann Family

Who are the members of your family?
We are a family of four: Shane, Laura, Taylor (14), and Ryan (13).
Do you have any pets?
We do not have any pets, although we would LOVE to have a dog. Both, Shane and I grew up
with dogs, and the kids have been asking for one for years. Our busy schedules are just not
conducive for a pet. We live like gypsies!
Where are you from?
Shane was born in Baton Rouge, LA, but spent most of his adolescent years in New Port Richey,
FL. I was born in Des Moines, IA, but grew up here in Colorado Springs. Both Taylor and Ryan
are Colorado natives.
How long have you lived in the neighborhood?
We have lived in Flying Horse since 2013. We love it here…I can’t imagine a more wonderful
place to live and raise a family.
How long have you been with your spouse? How did you meet? Tell us about your kids.
Shane and I met in Fort Collins at a mutual friend’s 30th birthday party. We both went to
Colorado State University, but we never knew each other in college. We “knew of” each other,
and we were often at the same places and parties at the same time. He was friends with my
brother in college, and I even went to his brother’s graduation party! We just never formally
When our paths finally did cross, Shane was living in Jacksonville, FL, and I was living in Denver.
Shane moved back to Colorado about 6 months later and the rest is history! We have been
married since 2007. Taylor was born in 2008, and Ryan was born 14 months later in 2009.
Having the girls so close together made for a crazy few years, but has evolved into the best
thing that we did. They are best of friends (most days). We got the girls involved in sports at an
early age, and they have spent the majority of their lives playing on teams together. You spend
a lot of years sitting through long, terrible, games….and now, it’s fun to see how far they have
come. Watching them play is Shane and my favorite thing to do!
Playing ball is what takes up most of their time. Taylor plays softball and basketball. She plays
shortstop for her club ball team, and for Discovery Canyon High School. She plays basketball
for the high school, as well. When she is not playing, she enjoys spending time with friends and
attending as many school functions and games as possible.
Ryan also plays softball and basketball. Ryan is a pitcher and first baseman for her club ball
team. She just wrapped up the middle school seasons for Discovery Canyon and is anxiously
looking forward to playing for the high school. When Ryan is not playing, she also enjoys time
with friends and supporting the other teams at her school.
We are incredibly proud of the girls’ work ethic and commitment to school and sports. They
have to sacrifice a lot of their time and miss some social opportunities for their sports
commitments, but they do it without complaints. They love being involved at school and
playing for their school teams. They have a slew of awesome coaches, teammates, friends, and
teachers that help make it all work.
What do you like to do as a family?
We try to spend as much time together as a family as possible. However, as the girls get older
and their social and athletic calendars get busier, “family time” is becoming more of a
Shane coaches the girls’ club softball team, and he has also coached them in basketball when
they were younger. Coaching your kids is not for everyone! It takes a lot of time, patience, and
ever-evolving communication. You are, naturally, always tougher on your own kids, and how
they respond to a parent coaching them can also vary. Shane and the girls work well together,
and we are thankful for that. I pretty much just make sure the coolers are stocked, uniforms
are clean, and emotions remain in check!
We love to travel – even if it’s just for a quick weekend getaway! We try to take advantage of
any free time that we are given. We love heading up the mountains and enjoy taking the kids
to new places. We make a trip to Steamboat every summer. I have been going to Steamboat
each summer since I was a kid, so it’s awesome being able to keep that going with our kids.
We like to ski whenever we get the chance. The girls and Shane are great skiers…I don’t ski with
them for long, and then I’m on my own!
We enjoy heading out to the NCAA Softball World Series in OKC each summer and often make
trips to watch college-level sporting events (softball, football, basketball). We are avid Colorado
State fans. They have been, admittedly, hard to watch the past few seasons. But we continue
to be season ticket holders for football and basketball, and we head up to Fort Collins every
chance we get.
What is your profession? How did you get into that field?
I am in media sales and have been in the media/advertising field my entire career. I got a
degree in Speech Communications but never had any clue what I was going to do with that.
Right out of college, I got a job at an advertising agency as a Media Buyer and Planner. I had
no idea what I was doing! But the lady who hired me needed someone desperately,
and I was the first person to walk through the door. That said, I learned a ton, and
learned it quickly.
After 3 years at the agency, I went to Frontier Airlines and was a Media Buyer in their
Advertising Department. After being there for less than a year, September 11th happened. That
was a terrible time to be working for an airline! After working through that, I moved over to
the sales side and got a job selling advertising space on billboards. I’ve been doing that for 20+
years now! I now work part-time and work from home, but I sell billboards. If you ever drive
down the street and see a billboard…I sell that advertising space. It sounds like such a goofy
job, so I like to provide all of the above commentaries to make it sound fancier!
Shane is in medical sales and has been in that field since he moved back to Colorado in 2004.
He has worked for different medical device and DME companies over the last 15 years working
with Hospitals as well as private practice offices. He spent 8 years with GE (General Electric)
selling ultrasound equipment throughout the Rocky Mountain Region. He also worked with
Intuitive Surgical in Colorado Springs where he worked with Surgeons on the Da Vinci robot.
He has always wanted to have his own business and was able to start his own Medical Sales
Distributorship in 2017. He mostly works with surgery centers and Hospitals in Colorado and
the Rocky Mtn. Region to provide products/ services that help prevent blood clots.
We are a family of four: Shane, Laura, Taylor (14), and Ryan (13).
Do you have any pets?
We do not have any pets, although we would LOVE to have a dog. Both, Shane and I grew up
with dogs, and the kids have been asking for one for years. Our busy schedules are just not
conducive for a pet. We live like gypsies!
Where are you from?
Shane was born in Baton Rouge, LA, but spent most of his adolescent years in New Port Richey,
FL. I was born in Des Moines, IA, but grew up here in Colorado Springs. Both Taylor and Ryan
are Colorado natives.
How long have you lived in the neighborhood?
We have lived in Flying Horse since 2013. We love it here…I can’t imagine a more wonderful
place to live and raise a family.
How long have you been with your spouse? How did you meet? Tell us about your kids.
Shane and I met in Fort Collins at a mutual friend’s 30th birthday party. We both went to
Colorado State University, but we never knew each other in college. We “knew of” each other,
and we were often at the same places and parties at the same time. He was friends with my
brother in college, and I even went to his brother’s graduation party! We just never formally
When our paths finally did cross, Shane was living in Jacksonville, FL, and I was living in Denver.
Shane moved back to Colorado about 6 months later and the rest is history! We have been
married since 2007. Taylor was born in 2008, and Ryan was born 14 months later in 2009.
Having the girls so close together made for a crazy few years, but has evolved into the best
thing that we did. They are best of friends (most days). We got the girls involved in sports at an
early age, and they have spent the majority of their lives playing on teams together. You spend
a lot of years sitting through long, terrible, games….and now, it’s fun to see how far they have
come. Watching them play is Shane and my favorite thing to do!
Playing ball is what takes up most of their time. Taylor plays softball and basketball. She plays
shortstop for her club ball team, and for Discovery Canyon High School. She plays basketball
for the high school, as well. When she is not playing, she enjoys spending time with friends and
attending as many school functions and games as possible.
Ryan also plays softball and basketball. Ryan is a pitcher and first baseman for her club ball
team. She just wrapped up the middle school seasons for Discovery Canyon and is anxiously
looking forward to playing for the high school. When Ryan is not playing, she also enjoys time
with friends and supporting the other teams at her school.
We are incredibly proud of the girls’ work ethic and commitment to school and sports. They
have to sacrifice a lot of their time and miss some social opportunities for their sports
commitments, but they do it without complaints. They love being involved at school and
playing for their school teams. They have a slew of awesome coaches, teammates, friends, and
teachers that help make it all work.
What do you like to do as a family?
We try to spend as much time together as a family as possible. However, as the girls get older
and their social and athletic calendars get busier, “family time” is becoming more of a
Shane coaches the girls’ club softball team, and he has also coached them in basketball when
they were younger. Coaching your kids is not for everyone! It takes a lot of time, patience, and
ever-evolving communication. You are, naturally, always tougher on your own kids, and how
they respond to a parent coaching them can also vary. Shane and the girls work well together,
and we are thankful for that. I pretty much just make sure the coolers are stocked, uniforms
are clean, and emotions remain in check!
We love to travel – even if it’s just for a quick weekend getaway! We try to take advantage of
any free time that we are given. We love heading up the mountains and enjoy taking the kids
to new places. We make a trip to Steamboat every summer. I have been going to Steamboat
each summer since I was a kid, so it’s awesome being able to keep that going with our kids.
We like to ski whenever we get the chance. The girls and Shane are great skiers…I don’t ski with
them for long, and then I’m on my own!
We enjoy heading out to the NCAA Softball World Series in OKC each summer and often make
trips to watch college-level sporting events (softball, football, basketball). We are avid Colorado
State fans. They have been, admittedly, hard to watch the past few seasons. But we continue
to be season ticket holders for football and basketball, and we head up to Fort Collins every
chance we get.
What is your profession? How did you get into that field?
I am in media sales and have been in the media/advertising field my entire career. I got a
degree in Speech Communications but never had any clue what I was going to do with that.
Right out of college, I got a job at an advertising agency as a Media Buyer and Planner. I had
no idea what I was doing! But the lady who hired me needed someone desperately,
and I was the first person to walk through the door. That said, I learned a ton, and
learned it quickly.
After 3 years at the agency, I went to Frontier Airlines and was a Media Buyer in their
Advertising Department. After being there for less than a year, September 11th happened. That
was a terrible time to be working for an airline! After working through that, I moved over to
the sales side and got a job selling advertising space on billboards. I’ve been doing that for 20+
years now! I now work part-time and work from home, but I sell billboards. If you ever drive
down the street and see a billboard…I sell that advertising space. It sounds like such a goofy
job, so I like to provide all of the above commentaries to make it sound fancier!
Shane is in medical sales and has been in that field since he moved back to Colorado in 2004.
He has worked for different medical device and DME companies over the last 15 years working
with Hospitals as well as private practice offices. He spent 8 years with GE (General Electric)
selling ultrasound equipment throughout the Rocky Mountain Region. He also worked with
Intuitive Surgical in Colorado Springs where he worked with Surgeons on the Da Vinci robot.
He has always wanted to have his own business and was able to start his own Medical Sales
Distributorship in 2017. He mostly works with surgery centers and Hospitals in Colorado and
the Rocky Mtn. Region to provide products/ services that help prevent blood clots.
He also represents a handful of other products and works with a variety of medical facilities
throughout the country.
Describe your perfect day
If we could somehow manage to wake up in the mountains, watch the kids play a game or two,
head to a CSU Rams game (that they actually win), and end the day eating amazing seafood on a beach, that would encapsulate everything!
Why did you choose to live in the neighborhood?
We, actually, kind of stumbled into Flying Horse on accident. We were living in Cordera and
had put our house up for sale with the intention of moving back up to Denver. Some friends of
ours had just moved to Flying Horse and invited us over to the club for dinner. We were
instantly sold! They called us a few weeks later to tell us that the house behind them just went
on the market, so we hopped on it. We have been beyond blessed with amazing neighbors and
an incredible community of friends. We joke that we met everyone we know through our
treasured friends, Anna and Darek Barnes! They are Flying Horse residents, and…if you know
Anna and Darek…you know that they are the source for meeting people and getting involved. If
it weren’t for them, we would only know, maybe, 5 people.
What are your favorite things to do around town?
I love taking Shane and the kids to the places I enjoyed as a kid. Although those spots are becoming few and far between, I love seeing the growth and development that Colorado Springs has had over the years. I often tell Shane and the kids, “that place was all a big field of dirt and weeds when I was a kid” while we are driving around town. It’s definitely annoying, but I enjoy referencing back to when Colorado Springs seemed so small. When I left for college, Powers Blvd ended at Woodmen Rd., and there wasn’t any reason to be way up there. If you had
pointed to this area on a map and said, “one day, you are going to live here”, I would have
thought you were crazy!
What are you most grateful for?
Our family and friends. They are all our lifeblood. My parents live here in Colorado Springs,
and my 3 brothers and their families live in Fort Collins. We never have a shortage of family
support and love! Shane’s family is spread around from Albuquerque to Florida, but it makes
for fun travel and special times when we’re able to all gather.
Although we don’t get to spend as much time with friends due to our crazy schedules, we know
that these crazy days are just a season of life, so we soak it all up. It takes a village to raise kids, and our community in Flying Horse has provided an incredible environment of friends, a sense of community, and fun. We are grateful for so much every day!
throughout the country.
Describe your perfect day
If we could somehow manage to wake up in the mountains, watch the kids play a game or two,
head to a CSU Rams game (that they actually win), and end the day eating amazing seafood on a beach, that would encapsulate everything!
Why did you choose to live in the neighborhood?
We, actually, kind of stumbled into Flying Horse on accident. We were living in Cordera and
had put our house up for sale with the intention of moving back up to Denver. Some friends of
ours had just moved to Flying Horse and invited us over to the club for dinner. We were
instantly sold! They called us a few weeks later to tell us that the house behind them just went
on the market, so we hopped on it. We have been beyond blessed with amazing neighbors and
an incredible community of friends. We joke that we met everyone we know through our
treasured friends, Anna and Darek Barnes! They are Flying Horse residents, and…if you know
Anna and Darek…you know that they are the source for meeting people and getting involved. If
it weren’t for them, we would only know, maybe, 5 people.
What are your favorite things to do around town?
I love taking Shane and the kids to the places I enjoyed as a kid. Although those spots are becoming few and far between, I love seeing the growth and development that Colorado Springs has had over the years. I often tell Shane and the kids, “that place was all a big field of dirt and weeds when I was a kid” while we are driving around town. It’s definitely annoying, but I enjoy referencing back to when Colorado Springs seemed so small. When I left for college, Powers Blvd ended at Woodmen Rd., and there wasn’t any reason to be way up there. If you had
pointed to this area on a map and said, “one day, you are going to live here”, I would have
thought you were crazy!
What are you most grateful for?
Our family and friends. They are all our lifeblood. My parents live here in Colorado Springs,
and my 3 brothers and their families live in Fort Collins. We never have a shortage of family
support and love! Shane’s family is spread around from Albuquerque to Florida, but it makes
for fun travel and special times when we’re able to all gather.
Although we don’t get to spend as much time with friends due to our crazy schedules, we know
that these crazy days are just a season of life, so we soak it all up. It takes a village to raise kids, and our community in Flying Horse has provided an incredible environment of friends, a sense of community, and fun. We are grateful for so much every day!