Meet Obi & Lucy

Family member names: Kelsie, Reid, and Brice Robinson

Pet’s name: Obi and Lucy

Type of animal/breed: Obi is a German Shorthaired Pointer and Lucy is an English Pointer Mix

Male or female: Obi (Male), Lucy (Female)

Pet’s age: Lucy 3.5 and Obi 3

Where/why did you get your pet? When Brice was stationed at NSF Indian Head, MD, our little family grew by four paws—twice! First came Lucy, the sweetest 4-month-old pup we adopted from K-9 Lifesavers Rescue in DC. She quickly became the queen of the backyard, tossing her stuffed toys in the air and catching them like a pro. It was the cutest thing ever, but we soon realized she needed a paw-rtner in crime. Enter Obi! At 9 months old, he came to us as a foster from the Humane Society of Charles County in La Plata, MD, after being surrendered by his previous owner. The two hit it off instantly and are often mistaken for siblings. Now, they’re the dynamic duo we didn’t know we needed!

Is there a story behind its name? Brice is a huge Star Wars fan, so Obi got his name from Obi-Wan Kenobi (though he was originally named Otis). As for Lucy, her adoption profile called her Baby Taffy, and her foster family named her Rosie. When it came time to choose her forever name, Lucy was the one she reacted to most—and it suits her perfectly!

Anything special or unusual about them (talents/quirks)?  Lucy is extremely intelligent. After just a month with us, she mastered commands like sit, down, shake, roll over, spin, and even play dead. Obi, on the other hand, is the goofiest dog we've ever met. We're convinced he has the athleticism of a horse, effortlessly leaping over obstacles and springs about 4-5 feet in the air when he's super excited. We affectionately call him our "velcro dog" because he sticks (very) close to his people. Every so often, you'll find him jumping into Brice's arms to be carried, as if he were a tiny pocket puppy.  

What do you like best about your pet?  What we love most about Lucy and Obi is how sweet they are with their new brother, Reid. Lucy has completely claimed him as her baby and is always by his side, keeping a watchful eye on him. Back when we lived in Maryland, Brice was often away for training and field ops. These two made the best company, turning what could have been lonely days on an isolated base into ones filled with long walks and lots of tail wags.  

Any funny stories?  About two weeks after we got Lucy, I left her in her puppy pen for a bit while I worked in the other room. I walked back into the room, I caught her mid-climb, scaling the side of her 4-foot tall pen like a little ninja. The look on her face when she saw me turn the corner was absolutely priceless—equal parts “busted” and “oops, you weren’t supposed to see this!” Safe to say, we quickly realized she was a clever one! 

One afternoon, while we were running errands, Obi managed to jailbreak himself out of his locked crate and absolutely destroyed our closed bedroom door to find us in the house. Luckily, Obi, first of his name, destroyer of doors, has reformed... but we’ll never look at a door the same way again!  

How spoiled is your pet? If reincarnation is real, we want to come back as them.

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