Bandit The Rabbit
Here to steal our hearts

The Depasquale family, John, Hether and their daughter Kennedy have been residents of Fulbrook for three years and introduced their rabbit, Bandit to Stroll just in time for Easter. Bandit is not just any rabbit, he’s part of the family.
How do you and your family feel about living in Fulbrook?
We've embraced the spacious environment and slower pace. It's a significant change from our previous life, offering us a serene and spacious living area that we enjoy.
Can you tell us about your pet rabbit, Bandit?
Bandit is a six-month-old Broken Blue Holland Lop Buck. His unique coloring and the black mask-like marking around his face is reminiscent of a bandit's mask. He has a playful habit of snatching treats right from our hands, just like a little bandit.
How did Bandit come into your life?
We got Bandit from a breeder for an FFA project. He's been a delightful addition to our family since day one.
What makes Bandit stand out?
Apart from his unique coloring, Bandit's love for high jumps and his 'bucking' antics are truly unique and he's full of personality.
What are Bandit's favorite treats?
He absolutely loves blackberries, and he can never seem to get enough of them!
Do you have a favorite memory with Bandit?
My favorite memory is showing him at the Houston Rodeo. It was an adventure that brought us closer and taught me many valuable lessons.