Meet Beau: The College Celebrity and Sweetest Olde English Bulldog Around!

Hi! My name is Beaumont Augustus Piszczek, and I am a 5 year old OLDE English Bulldog! But feel free to call me Beau. My breed originated in England between 1600 and 1700. I am a unique mix of an English Bulldog, Bullmastiff, American Pitbull Terrier, and the American Bulldog. We are widely recognized as very smart dogs, but I must say that I think I’m the smartest around and I’m positive my family would agree!
I was born June 16, 2019 and adopted only 3 months later by my forever family! They had recently lost their previous dog, Joe, and had begun researching new pups- that’s where I came into play! I was born in Georgia at Khaos Kennels! My dad was an award winning show dog, just in case you’re wondering where I get my good looks from! I boarded a plane as a VIP- Very Important Pup- and was hand delivered to O’Hare Airport. My parents, Karen and Jim and my two brothers, Aaron and Riley picked me up and I’ve been the happiest dog ever, since that day! I adore them and always want to play!
I might look like an alligator sometimes, but I’m honestly one of the sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet. I love going on trips with my family, and I always tag along when we visit my brother at college. He goes to the University of Minnesota. Within minutes of arriving there, it’s not hard to see that I’m somewhat of a celebrity when I visit. We found the best dog-friendly hotel, and I’m able to strut my stuff while wearing my Minnesota gear! I’m treated like royalty when we visit. People come up to me wanting pictures and everything- it’s definitely fun to be treated like a college celeb.
When it comes to my family, I don’t like to admit that I have favorites, but I sorta do. I love my brothers because they play with me and always have tons of energy! My mom is the sweetest, too and always takes amazing care of me. But I would be lying if I didn’t admit that my dad is my best buddy. I might not look like a lap dog, but I’ll snooze on my dad’s lap any chance I get. Every night he treats me to “spa time”! As you’ve probably noticed, my face is all cute and wrinkly, and in order to prevent any issues or infections, my dad cleans my face really well every night, which feels like I’m at the spa, and is why my brother’s girlfriend started referring to it as my “spa time”. After the spa, I’m let out, my mom lets me back in and I put myself to bed! Yep! You heard that right, because my parents are night owls, and because I love to just get cozy and settled in, I head right upstairs and lay down and go to bed. Yet another reason why I might just be the sweetest dog on the planet! I Like to lay at the end of the bed, because I’m a bit on the larger side.
While I’m definitely big, I still do get scared sometimes. I HATE thunderstorms, and get really nervous and shaky whenever I hear thunder, and sometimes I even hide in between my moms legs, because that makes me feel better. I’ve also been known to act a little mischievous sometimes. One of my favorite stories is when I started chewing toilet paper and garbage and my mom got mad at me. But since she found it hilarious at the same time, I was completely forgiven.
I think I mentioned that I’m definitely a people person, but my best friends are actually dogs! Their names are Theo, Dax and Rigby! I love hanging out with them in my neighborhood and we’ve even been known to cause a bit of trouble sometimes. I am a really good boy though and very well trained, so my parents trust me a lot. I am even able to walk myself! Whenever I go on walks my parents let me off the leash and allow me to walk back whenever I feel like it. Because I’m such a good boy, I also get lots of treats! My favorites are milk bones and sweet potato chews! I’m a really lucky dog and will even admit to being a tad bit spoiled sometimes. I love and appreciate my family so much! And I know they think the world of me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to my spa appointment!