Precious Pets
Meet Logan Mazzei

Hi everyone! My name is Logan. I am a wire fox terrier, and I am 4 years old. I don’t think I’m very spoiled, but I get food almost whenever, lots of pets, daily walks, and to sleep wherever I want. My humans treat me pretty well, and they should because I am the protector of the house! I will bark at every squirrel, turtle, rabbit, dog, deer, car, or person that passes by our home, but what I will never ever be able to face is a balloon. Those things are absolutely horrible and scary, and I don't understand why they exist. Everyone around my block knows who I am because I really like to play with other humans and my dog friends, but some of the dogs I do not get along with and bark at them, so they know I don’t like them.
The day I met my human family was an evening in September 2018. I was in a place called Colorado, and I was with another human who took care of me. She was a very nice lady. I had a good friend named Lola, and we would play all day. Then this black car came to my home, and it was full of four people. They talked to the nice lady and then went up to me. I don’t know how I felt about them, especially since they were calling me a weird name, Logan. They put me into the black car they came in, and I was so scared I was in such a new place with so many new smells; it was crazy. But then, after that night, the rest became history, and now I’m with my family.
Luckily I don’t have any brothers or sisters, and I wouldn’t want to change this because then I would have to share everything, and I wouldn’t get as much attention. The only other dog I will share things with is my cousin, whose name is Denver, but he is in Florida, and we don’t see each other much.
There are my neighbor's dog friends too. I really like Bear, Libby, and Rocky. Bear is a Lab and is very nice. We like to play together a lot. Then there is Libby, who is always outside, and I see her almost every day on my walks. We say hi to each other every time I go over, and we will try to play, but my human won’t let me. It sucks because I love to play. Then there is Rocky, who lives right next to me, and he likes to run into our front yard all the time, and I go play with him when that happens. Rocky does get scared very easily, so sometimes when I bark, he will run away from me, and he doesn’t understand that I want to play! Then I have my best friend Denver, who I talked about earlier.
Some days I get the zoomies and look outside and just want to run. Then my humans open the front door, and I bolt outside, jump over the stairs, and run! I usually run in circles and get pretty excited, and I create a very fun circuit. My family always cheers on me and calls my name and says: Run Logan, run! … They like to play with me.
Yes, my life does sound great, and it really is. I have my human family and my dog friends, and I get so many things. I am very grateful for what I have, especially my mom; she does a lot of stuff at home, and while she does her things, I get to follow her around all day, and she will stop sometimes and give me pets. It is really annoying when she tries to take a lot of pictures of me, so I make it extra difficult to do so. My family is amazing, and I love them. My favorite part of being in my family is that they bring me lots of joy, and I give them lots of joy too.
I am an adventurous dog, so I love to go on lots of hikes and to the lake; recently, I discovered I can swim! That was amazing! I have been all over the country, in around 15 States and have visited many national parks and love to play in the snow! I also like car rides and going with my humans whenever they go.
Stop by my house one day, and I can tell you more stories, especially when I went to Chicago!
The day I met my human family was an evening in September 2018. I was in a place called Colorado, and I was with another human who took care of me. She was a very nice lady. I had a good friend named Lola, and we would play all day. Then this black car came to my home, and it was full of four people. They talked to the nice lady and then went up to me. I don’t know how I felt about them, especially since they were calling me a weird name, Logan. They put me into the black car they came in, and I was so scared I was in such a new place with so many new smells; it was crazy. But then, after that night, the rest became history, and now I’m with my family.
Luckily I don’t have any brothers or sisters, and I wouldn’t want to change this because then I would have to share everything, and I wouldn’t get as much attention. The only other dog I will share things with is my cousin, whose name is Denver, but he is in Florida, and we don’t see each other much.
There are my neighbor's dog friends too. I really like Bear, Libby, and Rocky. Bear is a Lab and is very nice. We like to play together a lot. Then there is Libby, who is always outside, and I see her almost every day on my walks. We say hi to each other every time I go over, and we will try to play, but my human won’t let me. It sucks because I love to play. Then there is Rocky, who lives right next to me, and he likes to run into our front yard all the time, and I go play with him when that happens. Rocky does get scared very easily, so sometimes when I bark, he will run away from me, and he doesn’t understand that I want to play! Then I have my best friend Denver, who I talked about earlier.
Some days I get the zoomies and look outside and just want to run. Then my humans open the front door, and I bolt outside, jump over the stairs, and run! I usually run in circles and get pretty excited, and I create a very fun circuit. My family always cheers on me and calls my name and says: Run Logan, run! … They like to play with me.
Yes, my life does sound great, and it really is. I have my human family and my dog friends, and I get so many things. I am very grateful for what I have, especially my mom; she does a lot of stuff at home, and while she does her things, I get to follow her around all day, and she will stop sometimes and give me pets. It is really annoying when she tries to take a lot of pictures of me, so I make it extra difficult to do so. My family is amazing, and I love them. My favorite part of being in my family is that they bring me lots of joy, and I give them lots of joy too.
I am an adventurous dog, so I love to go on lots of hikes and to the lake; recently, I discovered I can swim! That was amazing! I have been all over the country, in around 15 States and have visited many national parks and love to play in the snow! I also like car rides and going with my humans whenever they go.
Stop by my house one day, and I can tell you more stories, especially when I went to Chicago!