Andrew Bishop

Hi, my name is Andrew Bishop. My family and I moved to Halle almost 10 years ago! We absolutely love our neighborhood! We have raised our four daughters here and this truly is a connected community! From cookies with Santa, Easter egg hunts, 4th of July parades, playing tennis, fun runs, or just relaxing at the pool, our family has loved every day here. A friend recently came by to visit and he said it best. “Man! It’s like you live in a resort!!!”
Our house on Shrewsbury is perfectly placed between the play ground and the pool. The kids have an easy bike ride either way. Josie(12), my oldest, swims with Memphis Thunder at St. George and is our little pianist. Violet(11) cheers for West Collierville Middle School and is our social butterfly. Eden(9) is our animal lover and horse rider. She is also looking forward to cheering again next year. And last, but not least, our youngest Scarlett(5) attends Bailey Station, loves crafts, soccer, and endless conversations! She is our fiery one, always ready to voice her opinion! My beautiful and wonderful wife Lindsey is their manager! Making sure everyone gets from school to piano, to soccer, to cheer, to church, to swim, to everywhere, and back home again. Lindsey and I met at Bellevue Baptist church in the young adults. We currently go to Grace Evangelical right down the road and love it there!
I am a local Memphian, born and raised in the Raleigh area on the north side of Memphis.
In contrast to my kid’s neighborhood, things were a little rougher for me. Growing up loud cars, loud music, nightly gunfire and police sirens were often times my bedtime lullaby. I remember, very young, walking in to a burglar in my bedroom. At 12, I remember playing matchbox cars in my front yard when me and my friend Brett saw our first murder at the dead end of our street. At 14, I was walking home when two guys pointed a pistol at me as I walked past and said this is their street. Seeing Memphis Police was the only time I truly felt safe in the neighborhood. Perhaps this is the reason I joined the Memphis Police Department.
At 25, I felt like I truly could make a difference in my community. I worked hard and enjoyed my job. Some days I could make a difference…some days it was too late. As a police officer you see many things. You learn many things. I learned to focus on the good. The good in people and the fruits of those good people. We learn not to dwell on the things we cannot control or the bad decisions others make.
In 2015, I was moved into investigations as a detective. Years later I was working and solving a series of violent robberies and I was asked to take a temporary assignment to Homicide. It felt like I was getting asked to go to the big leagues! But at the time, Lindsey was pregnant and being on call 24/7 was not feasible at the time. Years later I would apply, interview, and get a position as a Memphis Homicide investigator. It was definitely the most intense job I’ve ever had. There was no room for errors. I enjoyed my time in Homicide Bureau until I was promoted this year to 2nd Lieutenant. I’m back in the field and now as a supervisor over the patrol, the position I started out so many years ago. I bring patience, guidance, and knowledge to those new officers starting out with dreams and aspirations of making a difference in their community today.
I still feel as if I am able to make a difference in the Memphis community. Families can feel safe at night knowing they have good men and women ready to defend them from those who wish to do them harm.