Halle's Own Collierville Mountain Bike Enthusiasts
Written by Ace Young

Rojahns- Photography by Red Barnes
The Collierville MTB Team
The Collierville MTB team is a group of Mountain Bike enthusiasts who participate in various events and races in Tennessee. The team consists of students from Collierville High School, Collierville Middle School, as well as West Collierville Middle School. The team was created in September 2018 by head coach Aaron Schilling. The team members share their passion for cycling, support each other, and have fun on the trails. The Collierville MTB team is a great example of how cycling can bring people together and promote a healthy and active lifestyle. In 2023 The Collierville High School team finished fifth of all high school teams with 2001 points. West Collierville Middle School Finished eleventh with 1696 points. And Collierville Middle School finished twenty-sixth with 396 points. For more information visit https://tennesseemtb.org.
Our Races
We have races all around Tennessee that are all 6-10 miles in length. Our first race of 2023 was at Chickasaw Trace Park, Columbia, Tennesse (South of Nashville). Our second race was at Pugh Borne Park, Oakfield, Tennesee (North of Jackson). Our third race was at Lock 4 Park, Gallatin, Tennessee (North of Nashville). Brett Sidwell said this trail was his favorite. Our fourth race was at Panther Creek State Park, Morristown, Tennessee (North of Knoxville). And our fifth and final race was at Laurel Point, Raccoon Mountain, Chattanooga Tennessee.
Representing Halle on the Trails
Representing Halle is Ace Young (7th grade, 2nd year of MTB), Carson Rojahn (9th grade, 1st year of MTB), and Brett Sidwell (10th grade, 1st year of MTB). Ace's overall placement was 23rd with 1413 points. Carson's overall placement was 15th with 1642 points. Brett's overall placement was 37th with 1247 points.