A Loves Landing Halle Beauty!
Congratulations to Bernie & Greg Errion

I started a vegetable garden in my backyard more than 10 years ago, when we moved into Halle. I've learned a lot about patience, failure and endurance from that garden. Every year is different, depending on the weather, rain, soil and the attention I provide to my plants. (I'm growing seedlings in my guest bedroom window now.)
I grew up on a dairy farm in East Tennessee, where we would pick wild blackberries from bushes in our pastures. My favorite plant in my Halle vegetable garden is my five-year-old blackberry bush. It isn't "wild," but it has withstood a few icy Collierville winters, and brings me fruit every spring and summer, without fail. It's a little bit of childhood waiting for me every spring.
Nellann Mettee