The Bazarian Family
Dibrell Trail Drive

We are Arpi, Nick, Seta and Avedis, and have lived in Halle since summer 2022. It’s been a whirlwind year and half, adjusting to our new home, getting settled into new jobs and new schools, and getting to know the area!
Nick is originally from New England and Arpi grew up outside of Chicago. We first met as congressional interns on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC as college students (Nick at Colby in Maine, Arpi at Northwestern). Marriage, travels, jobs, and grad schools have taken us around the world with notable stops in Yerevan, Montreal, the DC Area, Vermont, and most recently Grand Rapids, Michigan where our kids were born. Nick led product management for the color company Pantone and an opportunity with plumbing products manufacturer IPS Corporation in Collierville brought us to the Memphis area. Arpi has a background in development and is the City of Germantown’s Grants Manager. With stimulating jobs and a great pace of life in the area, we’ve enjoyed quality time to watch our kids grow.
Seta (8) rides the bus to second grade at Bailey Station Elementary and is both an athlete and an artist. Since the Memphis Metro Area is short on downhill ski racing options, she has picked up ice hockey at the Mid-South Ice House, plays softball in Collierville and hones her artistic abilities at the Collierville Arts Academy. In her free time, Seta can be found reading, drawing and painting, building Legos, and world-building for her dolls – quite literally building homes, libraries, hair salons, movie theaters, schools, etc. from old boxes and craft items. Seta loves Halloween and Christmas and all that Halle and Collierville has to offer for both those times of year.
Avedis (5, unless he’s trying to impress you, in which case he is 6 ½ ) is in junior kindergarten at St. George’s Independent School in Germantown. He enjoyed soccer this past fall, but his real love is pontificating about all things trains. In fact, if you have walked past our house, he has likely engaged you on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to steam trains, bullet trains, construction sites, volcanos, tornados or some other extreme weather event. Avedis spends most of his time building train tracks and trying to keep up with (read: torment) big sister, and is the most gregarious member of our family by a wide margin. And watch out world, he has learned how to ride his two-wheel bike!
Our family is Armenian-American, and can (and will) talk your ear off about all things Armenian…you know what, actually? Just come over (flag is out front) and we’ll dish out some boereg, baklava, or kufteh all while giving you a crash course inour cultural homeland…Nick will most certainly show you his Armenian rug collection. Be ready. Can you tell it’s a big deal to us? Fun fact: Seta means “lady” and Avedis means “good news” in Armenian.
Exploring this part of the country has been an unexpected bright spot for us in our adjustment to life in West Tennessee. We love that we can fit in a visit to the City Museum in St. Louis, or the Garvan Woodland Garden in Arkansas, historical sites in Chattanooga or the Huntsville Space Center over long weekends and schools breaks. We are winter people at heart though, make sure get the family up to VT to ski in the winter time. In the neighborhood, we take advantage of the Halle pool being on our street and we love our backyard and its view into the golf course – we all take a lot of joy in watching the hawks, herons, ducks, turtles, frogs and deer…but especially the ducks! We are glad to be here in Halle. If you see us out and about, say hello!