Hammock Bay Classic Cars Club: A Passion for Classic Automobiles

Hammock Bay Classic Cars is a vibrant club welcoming men and women of all ages who share a passion for classic automobiles. "Classic" means something unique and cherished by its owner, without being confined to a specific vehicle age. If an owner considers their car a classic, it fits perfectly within the club.
The club meets on the third Saturday of each month at Props Brewery in Hammock Bay. These gatherings might be a general meeting or a "cruise," where members drive as a group to various destinations such as car shows, other club events, or scenic back roads. Each meet is an opportunity to showcase their cars in their best "show" condition for all to enjoy.
With over 70 car enthusiasts on the email list, the turnout for each meeting or event is always a delightful surprise. The club never knows who will show up—whether regular members, newcomers, or unique cars making their debut. Monthly events typically feature 12 to 24 cars, though major events can attract up to 40 vehicles.
Props Brewery generously hosts the meetings, allowing members to park their classic cars on the lawn. The gatherings start at 10:00 AM, with members setting up under a tent with the club banner and holding a short business meeting before mingling with Hammock Bay residents who come to admire the classics. These monthly meetings usually wrap up around 2:00 PM.
Founded in the spring of 2022, Hammock Bay Classic Cars welcomes all classic car lovers, particularly those from Hammock Bay and Walton County. Joining the club is simple—interested individuals just need to be added to the email list and show up at events with their classic car. There are no dues, officers, or formal structure; members gather purely for the joy of sharing their passion.
The organizer and coordinator of the club, David Lithway, owns a 1965 A/C Shelby Cobra replica built during his retirement in Rhode Island. After moving to Hammock Bay seven years ago, he was inspired by the many beautiful cars that rarely left their garages. In 2022, he made it his mission to bring these cars out into the light and onto the road, leading to the creation of Hammock Bay Classic Cars.
Club members have diverse and fascinating vehicles. For example, pictured you will see Rick and Colette with their 2014 and 2019 "His and Her" Corvettes, Ted Shoop with his 1967 Dodge Charger, Kerry Durham and his 2007 Z06 Corvette, Tom Raufer and his 1967 GTO, Marcus Fur with his 1956 Chevy Sedan, Bruce Nybakken and his 1934 Ford Hot Rod, Russ Askin and his 1967 Camaro, and Dave Lithway and his Cobra. Each car and owner has a unique story, adding to the club's rich tapestry.
The club hopes this article in Stroll will inspire more owners of Classic Cars living in Hammock Bay to join them and their cars, and "get 'em out and on the road" or at least over to Props to show them off!