Meet “Stonewall” Jackson
He’s Just a Lovable Good Ol’ Boy Who Loves His Walks!

Owners: Mark and Lisa Robertson.
Type of animal / breed?
Jackson is a German Shorthair Pointer.
Gender and Age?
Jackson is a male and he’s 8 years old.
You are sure to see Jackson walking in any of your neighborhoods on any given day because he walks at least 5 miles a day! If he is not walking in Hammock Bay, he is walking on the Florida trail with his dad! Even in the summertime, he will cool off by walking through the sprinklers or in a creek on the trail. Walking is everything to Jackson!
Jackson is a "good" boy! He is very smart and loving dog! German shorthairs are pack-oriented. So, wherever you are, so is Jackson! The older he gets the more he is by our side, always engaging in conversation. He will only eat his food when we sit down to eat with him, and he goes to bed when we do! He is very much a part of our family!
Favorite toy?
The newest stuffed animal in his basket!
Favorite family member?
Whoever is paying the most attention to him!
Favorite thing to do?
Walk, walk, walk!!!
Favorite spot to nap?
His favorite spot to nap is on the lanai. He wants to make sure he doesn't miss anything happening in his backyard!
Favorite treat?
Homemade peanut butter cookies and bully sticks! And he wants you to hold his bones and sit with him while he eats them!
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Jackson is also a trained service dog!