Meet Oscar and Whiskers Temple - So Different, So Loved

Writer’s note: Stroll Harmony is pleased to present a tale (tail?) of two very different family pets. All of the informative, humorous and (especially) well-written information about them which follows was provided by their young housemates, Claire (9) and Blake (7) Temple.
Meet Oscar the boxer and Whiskers the short-haired guinea pig, unlikely pals lovingly cared for by Claire and Blake Temple, who are residents along with their parents, Cassie and Jack, on Mountain Shadow Way. Oscar, brown with a white stripe on his head, a white chest and black face, is 10 ½, or 75 in dog years as the kids noted; Whiskers, brown, black and white, is 2, guinea pig years unknown. Oscar came by his name because it (almost) rhymes with boxer; Whiskers, because he has long… well, you know—which tickle the kids’ faces.
Oscar came along pre-kids and via plane all the way from Florida. Whiskers was the result of both kids being really good, and the reward was a visit to the pet store with plans for something small, like a frog or lizard. But quickly realizing that neither was very cuddly looking, attention shifted to hamsters until learning that they’re nocturnal and can bite. Next on the ‘adopt me’ display counters was the future Whiskers, whom the kids immediately knew was for them. He was sweet, a little shy, the smallest one in the cage, and appeared bullied by his buds, so of course the concerned kids had to rescue him. Dad, who was out of town at the time, was expecting an amphibian or reptile, so he was pleasantly surprised when receiving the photo of the family’s newest addition.
Oscar is a sweet, gentle giant who loves his naps and snuggling with you when you are napping, but once outside loves his ball-playing and walks. He wiggles his whole body when he’s happy, which is most of the time, although he can be stubborn and drools a lot. Whiskers is also a snuggler, but as befits a (cute) rodent, has no interest in playing fetch, preferring to just play the role of a kind and loving little guy who doesn’t bite. Although shy at times—adventuring often in small spaces like the tunnels and caves in his guinea pig condo—once he gets to know you he’s as sweet as his canine brother, although not as fast a runner. Both pets have unique talents—Oscar can jump up and catch a ball out of the air; Whiskers makes loud squeaking and purring sounds, his way of showing emotion according to the kids, but can also push a bell around just to let you know he’s not entirely uninterested in round playthings. And while Oscar was bred as a working dog, it’s Whiskers who actually works, munching on grass in the yard to help with the mowing.
Claire and Blake’s pets have rather diverse diets. Oscar the carnivore has his dog food, but also loves grilled chicken, scrambled eggs, bacon and just about any table scraps if he can beg them. Special treats are chicken meatballs or soft chewies. Whiskers on the other hand is the vegetarian, favoring parsley, fennel, carrots, celery, strawberries, cherries and tomatoes, to go along with his pellet food and hay.
The kids obviously love and spoil their two very different pets a great deal. They note that Oscar is an ‘old soul’ who reciprocates the family’s love by protecting them, following them wherever they go in the house or outside, and jumping on their beds in turn to say goodnight. Whiskers shows his affection by snuggling and, despite being shy, lets the kids know that he faces his fears, communicating that in little guinea pig ways that only a little kid would understand.
Stroll Harmony was happy to get to know Oscar and Whiskers Temple through the loving words of their best friends, Claire and Blake Temple!