A Game Plan from Gameday Men's Health Makes You Feel Like Yourself Again

Travis and Alicia Chafin - GameDay Men's Health owners.
The world can be a stressful place, physically, psychologically, and emotionally. It’s no wonder that we often suffer from low energy, poor sleep, weight gain, depression, anxiety, irritability, or a disinterest in intimacy. For men, however, these symptoms may result from more than environmental stressors. Along with brain fog, the inability to focus, and loss of muscle mass, these symptoms may point to low levels of testosterone, the primary male hormone. If you believe you may suffer from low T, as the condition is commonly known, Gameday Men’s Health can develop a game plan to make you feel like yourself again.
Gameday Men’s Health is owned by Travis and Alicia Chafin. Alicia is the CFO/COO of a franchise management company, and when Gameday Men’s Health crossed her desk, she knew she had to take the opportunity to her husband.
“I’m a Marine Corp veteran, but at age 50, I was feeling pretty miserable,” Travis says. “I had low energy. I wasn't motivated to work on my PhD. I was overweight, and I was sleeping poorly. My libido was almost non-existent. In short, I was physically in the worst shape of my life. On top of all that, I was experiencing depression and anxiety, which finally spurred me to reach out to the physicians at the Veterans Administration. A VA psychiatrist suggested that my issues could be connected to low testosterone, but after testing, my levels were not low enough to qualify for their standards for treatment. Feeling desperate, I contacted a local men's health clinic and found that I was a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, which I began immediately.”
The results Travis saw were life changing.
“Within two weeks of treatment, I could tell something was different, and by six weeks, all of my symptoms had been alleviated; I actually felt 20 years younger! In addition to increased energy, quality sleep, increased libido, and relief from anxiety and depression, I started losing weight and gained about 10 pounds of muscle. I felt motivated to work out again, and within a year, I had lost 45 pounds and was as physically strong as I was in my twenties and thirties. As an added benefit, my relationship with my wife became the best it had been in decades. To this day, she is grateful for the impact that starting TRT had on my health and our marriage. Because of my experience and my desire to help other men suffering from low T, Alicia and I bought the Greenville market of the Gameday franchise.”
The first Greenville franchise of Gameday Men’s Health opened on July 23, 2024, on Halton Road, just a short drive from Hollingsworth Park. The Chafins describe their clinic as concierge, white-glove medicine with busy men in mind. Relieving the symptoms of low T starts by scheduling an appointment online and filling out a consultation form, and the entire consultation takes less than an hour.
“Within minutes of arriving for his appointment, the client is treated by our Medical Assistant, where vitals are taken and blood drawn. We then use the blood samples to check available testosterone levels, and we also do a PSA screening for prostate cancer. Once we have the results, usually within 15 to 20 minutes, our Clinic Director will meet with him for a comprehensive evaluation and provide a medically appropriate treatment recommendation. If he is a candidate for treatment, he can make the decision to join Gameday as a member and start treatment that day. If he is not a candidate for treatment or decides he doesn’t want to join Gameday, he will have at least received a free testosterone levels test, PSA test, and consultation. Those that do sign with us may have medication delivered to their residence or come to the clinic and have us administer treatments and procedures.”
One thing that a prospective client won’t encounter at Gameday Men’s Health is a hard sell.
“Other TRT clinics employ a ‘sales closer,’ or a staff member whose job is to convince you to join,” the Chafins say. “At Gameday Men’s Health, we believe that once we’ve provided the lab results, men should be able to make the decision to begin treatment or not. Prospective clients will never meet a sales closer at Gameday.”
Travis and Alicia are parents to two college-age children, Ansley and Levi, and the Chafins feel so strongly about Gameday Men’s Health that they are moving from the Atlanta area to make Greenville their home. As new community members, the Chafins believe in supporting the community they serve.
“We partner with the Greenville Chamber of Commerce and the American Cancer Society and are building partnerships with various veteran organizations. We are a sponsor of the BMW Pro Am Charity Golf Tournament and are currently negotiating to be a sponsor of the Swamp Rabbits hockey team, the Sawmill Showdown, and a number of other community events and charities. We have had a warm welcome to Greenville, and we are looking forward to contributing to the amazing community of Greenville.”
There is no need for men to suffer in silence. Gameday Men’s Health charges no fee for the lab work or the consultation, and the clinic is arranged to make men feel at home with comfortable seating, large LED TVs, and complimentary beverages during the office visit. Let Gameday Men’s Health develop a game plan that will leave you feeling like yourself again.
Gameday Men’s Health Greenville
225 Halton Rd, Suite B,
225 Halton Rd, Suite B,
Facebook: Gameday Men’s Health (Greenville SC)