Teddy & Bear Bear

Family members: Kathryn & Tag Helt, 4 grown kids in their 20’s – Janelle, Ian, Tyler and Bethany
Breed: French Bulldog
Breed: French Bulldog
Pet’s age: Teddy is 12, Bear Bear is 6
Where did you get your pets? Teddy is from California, Bear Bear is from Easley – we met his breeder and his parent dogs, Piglet and Ralphie, at the Mutt Strutt one year
Is there a story behind the names? The obvious association is Teddy bear. But we got Bear Bear when Teddy was 6. We had a family vote, decided on Bear Bear for the new puppy, and never thought of it until later!
Anything special or unusual about them? Teddy is a Certified Therapy Dog. He loves to go to “work” and visit patients and residents at places like Carolina Center for Behavioral Health, Shriners Hospital, and assisted living places. Teddy is very scared of thunderstorms but likes the beautiful rainbows we get in our neighborhood.
Bear Bear is a cancer survivor and now has a white lower leg from radiation to prove it! He sleeps every night with his stuffed beluga whale or Grinch Max dog toy in his mouth.
What do you like best about your pets? They are truly funny and cute every single day!
Any funny stories? We couldn’t find Bear Bear when we came home one time. We heard something upstairs, and he had jumped in the tub and turned the water on! And it was the hot water! Luckily the tub wasn’t plugged and he could sit in the opposite end but he couldn’t get out. He actually does like baths, even still. But now whenever we leave we make sure to close the bathroom door.
How spoiled are your pets? Farmer’s Dog food, probiotics, Omega-3, Bark Box subscription, end up in our bed at night even though they have a dog bed, started a small biz based on them, pet insurance – just a bit spoiled!
What else should we know about how your pet has enriched your family? They have brought so much love, laughter and joy to our lives on a daily basis. They’ve snuggled up by our sides through surgeries, chemo, and loss. We love these guys so much that they inspired my side business of specially fitted Italian leather collars and harnesses, leonardoandkate.com, focused on fit, comfort and good quality. We feel like any comfort we can give them is well worth it, considering what they bring to our lives and the lives of others.