Meet Charlie and Finnigan

Charlie and Finnigan keep Courtney Brown’s life far from boring. With Finnigan’s newest obsession with staring at squirrels and Charlie’s fear of heights, they both keep life very interesting.
Charlie (12) came to live with Courtney a decade ago. When a friend took a job abroad and couldn’t take Charlie along, Courtney stepped up. Charlie has been with Courtney through one other dog, two jobs, a cat, a move, and the pandemic. “She is the most cuddly, fuzzy Border Collie mix! She has aged into a couch lover.” Courtney adds, “We hike a lot in Western North Carolina. Charlie is afraid of open heights. When we do the Whiteside trail, an easy loop with great views in Highlands, NC, she pulls as far back from the granite overlook as possible. And when we get to bridges, unless it is enclosed, she goes rigid and must be carried across. I have never seen a dog that scared of anything!”
Finnigan (1 ½) is from Apex Lab Rescue. “Finnigan was mine the second I saw him at 8 weeks old. He was terrified of concrete for the first six months of his life. It took a lot of work to get him to go down the driveway, but now he can’t wait to go on walks.” Still a puppy, he is working on leash skills, “Sorry to all he just wants to play with your dog or passing squirrels!” and a few ownership things, “He likes to destroy throw pillows.” Finnigan has a couple of fun quirks, “He has taken to sitting in the back yard under a tree for hours staring at squirrels. He is also very responsive to dogs on tv.”
Courtney says both Charlie and Finnigan are the most ideal sweet pets. “They like to be around me, other people and dogs, and they don’t take a lot of extra work.”
When they aren’t at doggie daycare, both pups like to keep Courtney company while she works on the porch, sleeping the day away or keeping a sharp eye out for squirrels. They all enjoy long walks exploring Hope Valley. Courtney says if you see them walking, please stop and say hi! “These pups truly love people.”