A Perfect Day for the Townwide Fund’s Annual Charity Race

Sunny skies and moderate temperatures welcomed more than 2,700 runners at the Townwide Fund of Huntington’s Charity Run on November 23, the largest number to ever attend the annual race. A big crowd of costumed children and proud parents, some in their own costumes, started the festivities with the Fun Run for Kids at 8:30 am.
The Thanks4Giving Townwide Charity Run is part of many families’ annual holiday traditions, with many families represented by two and even three generations taking part in the four-mile run starting bright and early at the American Legion Hall. It was a treat to hear local CSH resident and George Washington University freshman Lily Smyth sing the National Anthem so beautifully to kick off the run!
The Townwide Fund is grateful to our sponsors, who make this run and our efforts throughout the year possible. A big shout out to Top Sponsor, Land Rover Jaguar, a long-running supporter. Great thanks to Gold Sponsors, Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic Associates and Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty. Thanks also to Townwide Fund board member and run co-chair Sharon Gunther, owner of Fresh Design Group, for being the Finish Line Sponsor.
The Townwide Fund thanks all of the local businesses and families who support the Fund throughout the year, including PHountain Water/Ascension Wellness for ensuring each runner had water at the finish line and local brewery Six Harbors, who served up fresh, delicious beer and ales at the run for thirsty runners. Thanks to Southdown Market for the bananas and board member and co-chair Ron Friedman for the granola bars at the finish!
The Townwide Fund of Huntington is a community-facing foundation that raises funds and builds lasting connections among nonprofits serving residents of the Town of Huntington. Founded in 1961, the Townwide Fund partners with more than 30 local charitable organizations and bridges the gap between government support and the increasing needs of community residents.
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