Meet Loki

Hi Everyone! My name’s Loki. I live at the circle on Shelmore and have been greeting the friendly folks of I’On for about 2 years now.
Even though I was born in Canada, my dad’s Australian and my mom’s Floridian, they say I’m an English Labrador. What’s up with that? Mostly I identify as a member of the I’On family as this is the best place I have ever lived. I’m happy to say my parents agree and promise this is our forever home. I’ve met SO many dogs and their families on my daily walks around Westlake. It’s nice being constantly complimented for my friendly demeanor, classic good looks and cheeky smile.
My favorite things are food, naps, my special stuffed friends (Sparky, Lamb-y and Peter Panda), food, sun-bathing, swimming, car rides, and food. Some kids love when the ice cream truck comes around. Personally, I prefer Amazon and UPS trucks. When I can, I rush onto the trucks to collect treats from the driver - one guy gave me his whole sandwich!
I have great parents. Sometimes when they’re not around, they leave delicious food for me on the counter. They’ve left pizzas, loaves of bread and other yummy stuff. My all-time favorite was a whole dry-aged ribeye. They cried out so excitedly, tears in their eyes, when they discovered that I’d found it, realizing how very much I must have enjoyed it.
Sometimes I go with my parents to Maybank Green or the Amphitheater where they like to throw balls and stuff. It’s a bit frustrating for me because they always insist I show them where the ball went. So I reluctantly stroll over and point to it so they can retrieve it. I indulge them because I think it’s good exercise for them. They only do this a few times though. For some reason, my parents say I’m their Under-Retriever.
My favorite family times are evenings when we relax on our back porch. My parents usually sip on different colored drinks. I love when Dad tosses me ice from his cocktail. I call it “giggle ice” because it tastes a little bit funny.
One day, shortly after moving to I’On, I had the most amazing experience. I sauntered a short distance away to check on a neighbor’s plant hydration when a stranger stopped me, looked at my ID tag and took me to the enclosed porch of a nearby house. (Did he read my tag upside down?). Then I realized that we were playing a hide-and-seek game. It lasted almost 6 hours! During this time, I could hear so many neighbors/Pawty People calling out my name while playing this “Where is Loki” game. I’ll admit it was hard to stay so quiet while everyone else ran (or golf-carted or biked) around in the heat trying to find me but I managed to have a blissful nap to bide my time. Eventually, a nice lady came home from work and instantly became the hide-and-seek winner when she discovered me lounging on her porch. When she brought me home, Mom and Dad seemed unusually happy that the game was over and a winner declared. We never played that game again.
Did I mention I like swimming? For my 10th birthday this summer, my parents built me my own swimming pool! I let them (and some special friends) swim in it too. I don’t care if it’s hot or cold, my special fur makes that irrelevant. I have 3 layers of fur; a top layer designed for admiring and petting me, an undercoat I wear to keep warm and a removable special layer I spread in snowdrifts on the floor to remind my parents how much I love them when I’m out with friends, like Brennick.
I adopted Brennick when he moved in across the road because he’s nice and looked like he needed a dog friend. I take him on walks around the lake and swimming in my pool where I’ve been trying to teach him to belly-flop like I do (he’s not very good at it yet). I especially enjoy helping him by eating the treats that he doesn’t seem to like. I like Brennick so much I even let him snuggle up in my special bed inside my fireplace den. Well, he realized he needed his own boy-sitter since my social obligations somewhat limit the time I can spend with him, so he got a dog of his very own. He calls him Wilbur. I like Wilbur. He’s very enthusiastic and cheerful like Brennick.
I look forward to seeing you around the neighborhood and making even more friends, so be sure to say “Hi,” especially if you have some treats that you don’t want to eat….