The Unexpected Path: Finding Fulfillment Through Service at Salem Angels
How volunteering allowed Dena Beyrouty to stay connected with her children and make a difference

A Love Box family receives support from their group
After years in sales, I always knew I would eventually return to the workforce once our children, Quincy and Sawyer, left for college. However, as their college years approached, I realized that returning to a full-time job wouldn't offer the flexibility I needed to be there for them, especially to support Quincy's college golf career. This realization led me to explore other ways to engage in meaningful work that would still allow me to maintain that balance.
Around this time, my friend Brooke Goldsby, the Executive Director at Salem Angels, was looking for people to join her board of directors. She approached me with the idea of becoming the Treasurer. While I appreciated the offer, I didn't feel the Treasurer role was the right fit for me. Instead, I expressed my interest in serving as a general board member, and that was how my journey with Salem Angels began. I've now been on the board for nearly four years, and it's been an enriching experience that has deepened my passion for supporting foster families and children.
As I became more involved with the board, I realized that to understand the organization's mission and impact truly, I needed to get hands-on experience by volunteering for one of our programs. Salem Angels has two main programs: the Love Box program and the Dare to Dream program. The Love Box program provides comprehensive support to foster families, including any biological children they may have. My first experience with the program was with a single mom who had opened her heart and home to foster a sibling group of two babies, just 11 months apart. I gathered eight of my close friends, and we became a support system for this family.
Over the course of a year, we celebrated holidays, birthdays, and even the children's adoption day. We hired a landscaper to clean up their yard after an ice storm and painted a nursery, and I often served as the on-call babysitter. I also accompanied the mom to doctor appointments to lend an extra pair of hands. It was a beautiful experience, and even after the official program ended, we remained a part of each other's lives. To this day, we still see each other regularly, and I cherish the bond we've formed.
After the Love Box program with that family came to a close, I felt called to experience our other program, Dare to Dream, which focuses on mentoring older youth in foster care. I was paired with two sisters, and this experience was equally fulfilling, though in a different way. The girls were passionate about exploring different cultures through food, so we made it our mission to "travel the world" together by visiting various restaurants. I also helped them with practical life skills—both got their driver's permits, and I assisted one of them in setting up an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for college. We visited the Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath Falls for a college tour, watched movies, played games at my house, and much more. These girls have faced unimaginable challenges, yet both are on their way to college this fall. I am immensely proud of their resilience and determination.
If you've ever seen my husband, Jason, and me with a baby at Illahe, it's because we're currently involved in another Love Box. I had initially decided not to take on another family, as I tend to keep these relationships for life. But then, a case manager asked if I knew anyone who could offer occasional respite care for a 3-month-old baby to give his grandma a break. The moment I heard about this sweet boy, I knew I had to be involved.
These five children have brought immeasurable joy and meaning into our lives. Jason and I feel deeply blessed to have been a part of their journeys. If you'd like to learn more about Salem Angels, I would be more than happy to share. It's an incredible nonprofit, and I'm so proud to be involved with such a dedicated and compassionate team. We are always looking for more Love Box leaders and Dare to Dream mentors, so if you're interested, please don't hesitate to reach out. So, grab a group of friends, people from your church or work, and I will get you hooked up with a family. You will not regret it.
Dare to Dream®
When youth age out of foster care at 18, they often experience higher rates of homelessness, unemployment, addiction issues, and incarceration compared to their peers who have not experienced foster care. It is through hope, community, empowerment, consistency, and normalcy that Salem Angels is changing the statistics.
The Dare to Dream® program matches mentors with youth between the ages of 11 and 22 years in order to navigate life's challenges together, providing advice, encouragement, and a supportive community. We believe that the simple act of telling a mentee, "I believe in you," "You are special," and "You are going to do great things" can transform their journey entirely. Mentors meet both practical and emotional needs, guiding their mentees through tailored developmental milestones. Mentors commit to meeting with their mentees every other week to set goals and help them achieve their dreams. While the relationships ideally last a lifetime, the program is a one-year commitment.
Love Box®
Our Love Box® program provides community and support to foster families, including caregivers, children experiencing foster care, and biological/adopted children. Each Love Box volunteer/group will be matched with a local resource (foster) family based on location and compatibility. When our families are matched with committed volunteers who show up monthly, parents feel supported, and children gain a greater sense of normalcy, relational permanency, and self-confidence. Some examples of love box needs include but are not limited to diapers, gas cards, groceries, household supplies, clothing/shoes, babysitting support, spending time with them as a family, lawn services, and educational support.
There are a variety of ways to get involved. Consider joining our Angel Alliance as a monthly donor, or contact us to see how you can sponsor a one-time Love Box. Salem Angels currently has 12 families awaiting matches, and we need your help to fulfill those needs.
For more information, please contact or visit