Hands of Hope — You can make an impact today!
Purchase a Gift Card and Change a Life!

Have you ever wanted to give a gift that truly transforms lives? This holiday season, consider purchasing Hands of Hope gift cards to give to family and friends for customer appreciation and to help Hands of Hope fulfill its mission of supporting underserved communities of women and children in Africa. Every day, millions of African families struggle to find enough food to stave off malnutrition and enough clean water to survive. By purchasing Hands of Hope chicken, goat and well gift cards this holiday season, you will be providing struggling families with the means to improve their lives immediately and in the future. In return, you will receive a beautiful greeting card with an actual photograph of villagers in Zambia and a description of the impact that your gift delivers.
Hands of Hope is a community of women helping women and children in crisis in Africa. In the late 1990s Vicky Wauterlek founded the organization, believing that, “if women in our local communities hear about how women and children in Africa are suffering, they will respond and want to do something about it.” Today, that something is a highly-motivated group of Inverness area women who are transforming their grassroots efforts into sustainable systems that alleviate poverty in rural areas of Africa, with a current focus on the Western Province of Zambia. Hands of Hope is breaking the cycle of poverty through our efforts to bring opportunity to the people of Africa. We focus our attention and resources on the key areas of agriculture, economic development, education, health care and water.
Hands of Hope gift cards can be purchased at Ambrosia in Barrington and on our website. For more information on the organization, please visit handsofhopeonline.org.
Thank you for your support!