Motley Jane

From Rescue Pup to Family Protector

For 16 years, Motley Jane has been more than just a pet—she's been a steadfast guardian, an adventure-seeker, and a beloved member of the Cooper family. Brant and Carrie Cooper welcomed the English Springer Spaniel into their lives as a 12-week-old rescue, excited to start their journey together as an engaged couple.

Originally named Petunia, Motley’s name took some deliberation. The Coopers compiled lists, vetoed options, and debated until they found the perfect fit. Now, she’s as much a part of their family history as their home on Isle of Hope, where they’ve lived for a decade.

Motley has a personality as rich as the memories she’s created. Always watching over her people, she keeps a vigilant eye from the window or the yard, greeting neighbors with a wag and a friendly sniff. But when duty calls, her bravery knows no bounds. She once took on a copperhead snake, earning herself an overnight stay at the emergency vet, and she’s even faced off with a bear in the mountains. Inside the house, she’s been known to leap into action against rogue squirrels.

Despite her age, Motley still has a playful spirit, adjusting her energy to match those around her—perking up around puppies and settling in for naps with older dogs. She’s happiest in the front yard, receiving treats from friends and basking in familiar company. If given the chance, she’d choose a day of pure freedom: running full speed and swimming to her heart’s content.

From snow play to spontaneous dips in the pool, Motley Jane has embraced every moment. Whether she’s standing guard or stirring up adventure, one thing is certain—she’s made an unforgettable mark on her family and the neighborhood she calls home.