Ruth Earsley, 102. Happy Birthday to You!
Some articles are just so great, they deserve a second time around!

Ruth Earsley grew up an only daughter with six brothers. The third-born child in her family in North Dakota, she was born at home. On that snowy night, Ruth’s father took his sleigh drawn by the family horse, Nelly, two miles to reach a neighbor for help. On the way home the snowstorm grew to white out conditions and the fear of being lost in the night was real. Horses always know their way home and Nelly kept moving forward all the way to the front door of their barn.
After moving to California for a time, Ruth and her husband moved to Lubbock in 1947. Their modest home on the 3100 block of 31st Street was perfect for the young couple. Jim was born in Pasadena, CA, in 1946, and Steve, just 22 months later was born in Lubbock in 1947. Ruth described Lubbock in 1947. 31st Street was not yet paved, but Roscoe Wilson School shared the cotton field with them as well as the dust storms.
As a single mom, Ruth enjoyed a robust career in women's fashion. Her first job was at The Bridal Shoppe on 34th Street where she earned her way up to store manager and buyer. She then went on to work at the Hackel’s store in the same position. After a short-lived retirement, this go-getter-gal became bored and went back to work at another well-known classic clothing store called Maxine’s Accent and remained there until the store itself retired.
Here are a few facts about Ruth Earsley – she has light housekeeping help only once a month; she loves to cook; she really enjoys tending to her plants and flowers, but not too long ago decided to avoid climbing the ladder to trim her Yaupon trees; she does her own yard work… even in her stylish tailored attire accompanied by a designer scarf with a brooch, perfectly coiffed hair, earrings and lipstick and by the way she tailors her own clothes on her sewing machine; she only wears glasses for reading and can see in the distance without fail; her lemon pie is to die for, as confirmed by at least ten neighbors; she drives her car regularly and wherever she needs to go.
One More Thing… that snowstorm in North Dakota? It was in 1920. No Kidding. Ruth Earsley is 102 years young. To be sure, her grandson, Todd Earsley, and granddaughter Paige Wofford, along with her great-grandson, Tracer, and soon-to-be-born great-granddaughter will want to grow up to be just like her!
Ruth loves living in Kingsgate on a street in a neighborhood where neighbors care for each other. She is regular in the 85th Street wine circle with the Cool kids. You should meet her. She is amazing.