of Camden Ridge

Carrie and Brian Cullum of Camden Ridge will celebrate their 17th wedding anniversary in October and originally met while they were both students at the University of Southern Mississippi. They have lived in Lake Caroline for 8.5 years. They have two children, Joseph (15), who will be a Sophomore at Germantown High School, and Katie (12), who is going into the 7th Grade at Germantown Middle School. They have two dogs, Murphy, a 7-year-old rescue Lab mix and Lemon, their 4-year-old "impulse purchase" Goldendoodle.
Carrie grew up in Laurel, Mississippi, and went on to major in Broadcast Journalism at the University of Southern Mississippi. Currently, she is a receptionist and the Marketing Director at Skin Aesthetics. Brian is originally from Madison and received his degree in Sports Administration from the University of Southern Mississippi. He is the owner of Brian Cullum Transportation and Linked Logistics. Although Brian was a three-sport athlete in high school and went on to major in a related field in college, he had always loved BIG trucks and knew that one day he wanted to own his own company. After being married for only four months, Brian made a leap of faith and purchased his first 18-wheeler and started Brian Cullum Transportation. Ironically, that was also the day Carrie found out she was expecting their first child! It wasn't easy at the time, but she told us, "now we can laugh about how we birthed a baby and a business in the same year!"
You can usually find Carrie working in the yard, as she loves plants and flowers and owns her own business, Lush Plants and Pots, creating custom container gardens! She is also an active member of the Junior League of Jackson and currently serves as Decorations Chair for Mistletoe Marketplace. It's a big job and a commitment that the whole family has joined! On the weekends, Brian and the kids love going to deer camp, even when it's not hunting season! Joseph and Katie both enjoy playing with friends in Lake Caroline, and Joseph can usually be found fishing or walking his dog, Murphy. Katie also enjoys playing tennis with friends.
As a family, the Cullens enjoy traveling, sunset cruises on the lake, and hosting friends and family at their home. The Cullens love going to the beach every summer and try to visit a different place each year. Last year, they enjoyed a family vacation to the Dominican Republic. At home, their family loves steaks or venison prepared on the grill, and their favorite local restaurant is The Mermaid. Monica told us that they love watching competition shows together, especially if people fall down!
Stroll Lake Caroline asked the Cullums what they loved most about living in the neighborhood, and they told us, "We love living near the water, but most of all we LOVE our neighbors! We have met some of our closest friends from people we met in the neighborhood. We enjoy hanging out on the back porch and cooking with neighbors, especially if Southern Miss or Mississippi State are playing baseball!"
Thank you to the Cullums for sharing a little about your family with the readers of Stroll Lake Caroline!