Introducing the Caffreys
Welcome to Woodland Estates

Meet the Caffrey family! Michael and Lauren Caffrey moved into Lakepoint two years ago with their children Claire (9), Finn (7), Tate (5), and Goldendoodle Addy. Michael says, “Location was key for us. The kids go to St. Thomas Aquinas and the proximity of our neighborhood to their school, Wichita Country Club, and many of their friends was a big selling point.” Michael and Lauren also love the houses and maturity of the Lakepoint neighborhood.
The Caffreys are certainly making the most of what Lakepoint has to offer. Whether walking the neighborhood, fishing in the lakes, or just enjoying the outdoors, the family is getting to know people and relishing their time in Woodland Estates.
Michael and Lauren’s Background
Both Michael and Lauren grew up in Hutchinson and have known each other since high school. Lauren went to Baker University for undergraduate and nursing school. Michael played football for Bethany College in Lindsborg until he was injured. He finished his degree at Central Christian College in McPherson. They reconnected at a Genesis Christmas party when Lauren was home from nursing school. They began talking and 18 months later married on April 9, 2011.
Michael’s job as Senior Vice President Financial Advisor at Merril Lynch brought them to Wichita. Prior to Finn’s birth, Lauren worked as a pre-op nurse. Now she enjoys her time volunteering at the children’s school and coordinating their many activities.
Family Fun
Fishing, swimming, playing tennis, and golf are just a few of the activities the Caffreys enjoy. All three children take gymnastics at East Wichita Gymnastics and tennis at Wichita Country Club. Finn loves to fish the Lakepoint ponds and both boys enjoy being outside. Michael says you can often find them “trying to hunt bunnies in our front yard with their nerf guns.”
Lauren is a runner and has run the Prairie Fire Marathon twice. Michael plays tennis and golf at Wichita Country Club. The entire family enjoys relaxing around their backyard pool or the one at WCC. Though they didn’t attend KU, Michael and Lauren grew up in families who cheered for the Jayhawks. They continue that tradition along with supporting their favorite local team, the Kansas City Chiefs.
Community Involvement
Michael is involved in Wichita Wagonmasters and the East Ysmen. He is also on the Board of the Wichita Opera and the Board of Directors of the Senior Services of Wichita. Lauren volunteers at St. Thomas Aquinas school and the entire family participates as greeters before Sunday Mass while Michael also serves as an usher.
Michael and Lauren take pleasure in drinking wine and their enjoyment has led to a hobby and the building of a collection. They have traveled to California several times to visit wineries and add to their fledgling cellar. In town, Chester’s Chophouse, Georges French Bistro, and Walts Dug Out are some of their favorite places to hang out and enjoy a meal.
Hilton Head, South Carolina is a special vacation destination for them. Lauren’s family traveled there every other year beginning when she was 2 years old. They have kept that tradition alive with their own family. They all love the beach and the southern charm of South Carolina. Palmetto Dunes is a favorite location and Lauren says, “We just really like being beach bums while we are there.”
This year, spring break plans will take the family on a short trip to Dallas. Upon their return, Michael and Lauren will make their annual getaway to Las Vegas for March Madness. It’s a tradition they began several years ago. Summer vacation plans definitely include a beach and they can’t wait for warmer temperatures so they can open their pool.
Michael says thatThe Life at Lakepoint & Vickridge magazine is a “great way to get to know people.” So when you see the Caffreys out and about in the neighborhood make sure to tell them “Hello!”
Thank you, Michael and Lauren, for sharing your story with the readers of The Life at Lakepoint & Vickridge.