Happy Fall!

We all know October is best known for Halloween, but did you know it is also Sarcasm Month, National Cookie Month, International Dinosaur Month and Adopt a Dog Month? And, along with All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day, the Jewish holiday, Sukkot, is celebrated from Oct. 9th through the 16th.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month reminding us to mammogram and celebrate those lost to the disease. It is also National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, hopefully reminding us to be respectful of and practice kindness toward others.
Stay safe and look out for each other… Remember it’s just eight short weeks to Thanksgiving.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month reminding us to mammogram and celebrate those lost to the disease. It is also National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, hopefully reminding us to be respectful of and practice kindness toward others.
Stay safe and look out for each other… Remember it’s just eight short weeks to Thanksgiving.