Las Sendas neighbors make a difference ...
supporting Encounter AZ's 5th Annual Community Christmas Event

Thank you, Las Sendas, for your support of such a worthwhile cause! At our December Flamingo Friday event, Las Sendas neighbors were encouraged to bring unwrapped children's toys to help bless families in need at the fifth Annual Community Christmas Event, held at Encounter AZ Church in Mesa. Special thanks to our neighbor, Robin Cessna, who graciously offered to deliver our donated toys the next morning, the day of the event! 145 families registered that morning, and they all left extremely blessed. The first excited visitor arrived at 6 a.m., even before the set-up crew!! Every child received a new toy of their choice. Each family was given a bag of food donated by United Food Bank. Tons of gently used clothing and shoes found new homes. Anything left over was picked up by the Purple Heart Thrift Store; all proceeds were given to veterans.
For the first time this year, they organized a “We Care” Project where every woman could choose a gently used purse (100 in total) filled with some necessities, and men received a toiletry bag with goodies (60). They also offered prayer to those in need. Plus, over 450 hotdogs were served!! And all of this took place during a four-hour time period.
The event also included some festivities for the children; a bouncy house, crafts and Treasure, the Clown, offered face painting, and created animals out of balloons! EVERYTHING was FREE! The event had over 80 volunteers serving this fifth Annual Event, the majority of help coming from Encounter AZ plus other church family, friends and neighbors.