Nick and Lydia in Ireland!

The Historic Trinity College Library

Nick and Lydia Carlino took an overseas trip to Ireland this past fall, so we asked Lydia to share some pictures and tell us about the trip!

 We went on a work trip for Nick, and boy, was it fun! I loved the old churches, especially Saint Patrick's Cathedral. I also loved the history and the music culture. Everywhere we went, there was live music. People were playing instruments and singing on every corner in Dublin. They would pull people up on stage to sing or dance with them in many places that we went. It was so welcoming and so fun! 

Among the things we did in Ireland: a food tour (one of my favorite things to do when traveling abroad), a Saint Patrick's Cathedral tour, a photography tour, a Guinness factory tour, visited the historic Trinity College Library, toured Dublin Castle, and also joined in Irish dancing at Johny Fox's, an authentic Irish pub!