Hello Biscuit!

Our dog, Biscuit, is the Pickett family’s precious pet.
Steve, Tina, Ashlyn, Autumn, and Alyse love our precious dog!
We live on Morning Grove Drive. We have a very special small male dog that is a Chihuahua terrier mix. He is a playful happy dog who smiles a lot and always makes us smile and laugh. He is a great watch dog, loves to chase squirrels and sometimes enjoys barking a little too much.
A little over 6 years ago we began talking about possibly getting a dog. I actually had been apprehensive about the responsibility of a dog and having a dog in the house. At this time, I (Tina) was working as a home health Occupational Therapist. I went to a patient’s home in Cohutta, Georgia and when I pulled in the driveway 5 small dogs ran alongside my car barking. 2 of these were puppies. My patient stated his daughter lived next door and the dogs belonged to her and he was worried about her being able to take care of them. I looked at the puppies and thought they are cute but they are very small and we were discussing getting a little bigger dog. I was scheduled to go back to this house 4 weeks later and realized the puppies were going to be much larger than their mom who was a chihuahua. One of them came to me easily and I fed him potato chips the only food I had in my car. I asked if I could have him and was told the owner would be glad for me to take him. He was very happy to come home with me on October 28th, 2017. My daughter Alyse who had always wanted a dog was overjoyed. He was quickly loved by our whole family as well as our friends. Alyse had a list of dog names she had saved in hopes of one day getting a dog. Biscuit was on the list and it fit him well as he actually looked like the little gold dog in the children’s books about a dog named Biscuit.
It was a bit of a learning curve taking care of a puppy but I never regretted it even when he unrolled the toilet paper and chewed up several shoes. I learned to keep the closet and bathroom doors closed and lids on trash cans. He has outgrown these puppy behaviors and he is a really great dog. He loves to cuddle on the couch, take walks in the neighborhood, be chased by us and find us when we play hide and seek with him. He entertains us by doing tricks such as holding water bottles with his paws and unscrewing the lids , standing on his hind legs and turning in a circle and taking our seat when we get up. He doesn’t like to swim but he loves to ride in our boat and on our paddle boards. He has brought our family so much love bringing him home was one of the best decisions I have ever made!