Muirfins Master Swimmer - Carter Tuisku

By: Hayden and Luke D’Onofrio - Student Writers and Muirfield Residents

Carter is also an accomplished soccer and baseball player!

Carter Tuisku is one of our teammates on the Muirfield Muirfins and we remember when he first started and was pretty unsure about joining the team. So we were really excited to get to know how he became one of our record-breaking swimmers just two years later!

Carter is a third grader at Deer Run Elementary. He loves spending time with his two younger brothers Caleb and Finn. Caleb is also a swimmer! The Tuisku family enjoys riding bikes around the neighborhood and making a stop at a favorite spot, Dell’s, for ice cream. Another neighborhood activity Carter enjoys is golfing with his dad. Of course, the super active Tuiskus don’t drive to go golfing, they walk over to TCC to work on their long game at the driving range and their putting at the putting green. 

If you think Carter’s hobbies keep him busy, that is just the beginning! The oldest Tuisku brother is also an accomplished soccer and baseball player! Dublin United is Carter’s club soccer team and he not only plays baseball in the spring but is a fall ball player as well. This all keeps Carter moving all year, but swimming is still his favorite sport.
So how did Carter get to be such a great swimmer? He started swimming lessons when he was four years old but had to take a break in 2020 when pools were not open for lessons. He didn’t give up on swimming and started lessons back up when he was five years old. It is no surprise he learned quickly, it is rare to visit the Muirfield pools and not run into the Tuisku Family. 

Carter’s first experience with being a part of a swim team was when he joined the Muirfins in the summer of 2022. Swimming on a team can be a big transition at first, but even though it was a little intimidating, Carter stuck with it and he is very glad he did! He says his favorite part of the team are the races. He loves to compete! It helps that he is also very fast! Carter holds the 8 and under boys record for the 25- meter freestyle. Crushing this record is his favorite memory of Muirfins so far. Experiencing success in summer swim gave Carter the courage to take the next big step and join the Dublin Sea Dragons. He now swims for them during the short-course season in the fall and winter and in the long-course season in the summer. He still says he loves Muirfins the most because it is so much fun and he has a lot of friends on his team. Swimming is a lot of work and you have to learn how to swim all the strokes well, but freestyle is his favorite stroke right now. His least favorite stroke is breaststroke. 

Watching the Olympics last summer, we got to see a lot of really incredible swimmers. Carter has been inspired as well. He would love to be an Olympic swimmer when he gets older like his favorite swimmer, Michael Phelps. We will be cheering for Carter to make it to Australia for the 2032 Olympic games!