Supporting The Arc Gateway

Barbara's daughter LaTrelle Tronu headed Over the Edge to raise money for Arc Gateway
If you are familiar with Pensacola’s The Arc Gateway, you may very likely be aware of the Tronu family’s long-term relationship with this essential local non-profit. Nature Trail resident Barbara (BJ) Tronu and her family have been investing in Arc Gateway for decades. “My father-in-law, Bobby Tronu started back over forty years ago,” BJ recalled. “And after that my sister-in-law and daughter LaTrelle have been on the Foundation Board of Trustees, which is responsible for fundraising events and campaigns. Now I am on the board as well.”
Begun in 1947 by a group of parents looking to help their own children, the organization now serves over 800 children and adults in Pensacola with services ranging from early intervention and preschool to day programs and residential homes for adults. When asked why she chose to invest in The Arc Gateway, BJ commented, “We are talking about children and adults who will always need help. Parents grow up and grow old, and someone needs to provide for them. As long as they are alive, those in The Arc programs will have needs. There are a lot of great nonprofits in Pensacola that are focused on helping children, and that is important. But these are people who will always need help. It is easy to look away.”
There are a variety of ways to volunteer, which are listed on the website ( Helping to raise funds is always appreciated. There are several opportunities throughout the year to participate in raising funds for The Arc Gateway. In April, they will host their second annual “Over the Edge” fundraiser. Last year, BJ’s daughter LaTrelle went Over the Edge to raise money, and she plans to do it again this year. There is also the option of donating by becoming a member; you can join online at BJ suggested that one of the best ways to help is simply to tell others. “We want to put the word out,” she said. “Fundraising is the biggest need. Just getting the word out there is so helpful.”
In December 2022, supporters of The Arc Gateway came together for the annual Wreaths of Joy fundraiser. The Arc Gateway’s Director of Marketing and Public Relations Jenni Perkins shared how grateful the organization has been for BJ and LaTrelle’s participation. “BJ and LaTrelle have long been using their design talent and creativity for a number of events and special projects, including our agency's largest fundraiser of the year, Wreaths of Joy,” she said. “The wreaths that they've designed over the years are always incredibly popular auction items, bringing in sizable sums to benefit The Arc Gateway's mission.”
This past year, Wreaths of Joy had its usual holiday flair, but with a twist - an upscale CandyLand theme full of decadent desserts and sweet treats throughout the event. “BJ's artistic vision truly brought the theme to life, as each of the 50 tables was topped with a gorgeous one-of-a-kind candy themed centerpiece - all of which were handmade by our decorating diva herself! Everyone was completely blown away by her work, and the centerpieces were sold that evening to add to the $250,000 that was raised at this year's Wreaths of Joy.”
BJ’s creativity and impact didn’t stop there, Jenni recalled. “In true BJ fashion, she went above and beyond and also created a signature piece for our live auction. Our "Blush - Not Bashful - Beauty" featured shimmer and soft pinks and was adorned with a pearl necklace from Jewelers Trade Shop. The bidding was fierce, but one lucky guest left with a signature piece sure to liven up their holiday decor.” It was truly one of the highlights of the evening.
BJ has lived in Nature Trail for 8 years. After her husband passed away, she sold their home on the beach and moved into the neighborhood. “I moved here because it was a little more secure,” she noted. “I also love that there are some older people, and that it is not as transitory—instead, a lot of people are staying in the neighborhood for a long time.”
BJ is thankful to feel safe in the neighborhood, and that neighbors take care of each other. During a freeze last winter, BJ was out of town. A neighbor turned everything off and made sure her home was secure. BJ appreciates that neighbors care for one another.
Representatives of The Arc Gateway are deeply thankful for the Tronu family’s involvement over the years. “The Tronu family has a rich legacy of giving back to our community and supporting those with intellectual and developmental disabilities,” Jenni shared. “BJ's father-in-law, the late Bobby Tronu, served on our Board of Directors and was a driving force behind the building of the Pollak Training Center in the late 1980s. Without the commitment of people like BJ Tronu, our agency simply would not be able to fulfill our mission. It is through helping hands and generous hearts that The Arc Gateway can provide services and programs to empower those with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live their best lives. BJ and the entire Tronu family have made an indelible impact on the lives of thousands of people with disabilities and their families. We are so very humbled by their steadfast dedication to our clients.”
BJ summarized the reason for her involvement by stating, “The need is always going to be there.” Thanks to women and men like BJ and her family, those in need of these services can count on The Arc Gateway to help.