Making A Difference for Local Kids

CA Weis Elementary School recently celebrated the re-design of their Care Closet which helps students in need. The initiative was created by the 2023 Leadership Pensacola Class, which includes Nature Trail's own Amber Southard, Will Scott, and Rachel Lockwood, among other community leaders. The project aims to provide essential resources like food, clothing, and hygiene products to students who do not have access to these resources at home. The Care Closet offers a discreet and non-invasive way of helping these students without compromising their dignity or privacy.
The project has been a collaborative effort, with our own Community Sponsor Closets by Design donating cabinets to house the items. This generous donation helped to bring the project to fruition. The Ribbon Cutting for the well-stocked, student-friendly Care Closet took place on May 2, and many members of the Leadership Pensacola class, members of the CA Weis administration, community leaders, and Chamber officials were on hand to celebrate.