Code Ninjas
Enhancing Kids' Love of STEM!

Jo Dawn, please introduce yourself and tell us a little about you and your family.
Stephen and I grew up in Niceville. After graduating from high school and attending college, Stephen joined the US Air Force. We have lived on three continents and in many areas within the US as well. Stephen is finishing his last 4 years before retirement at Pensacola NAS. We moved back to the Pensacola area in the summer of 2022. We have 4 children: twins in the 9th grade, a 7th grader, and 5th grader.
Tell us about the events that led up to where you are now.
Stephen and I both have master's degrees in Computer Science and Higher Education. I has volunteered with Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts of America and a number of schools as well.
What is your business and how/why did you start your business?
We found the Code Ninjas franchise while living in San Antonio. Our son was extremely interested in electricity, tinkering, and coding from an early age. When we started, he fell in love with all that he was learning, the collaboration with peers that had similar interests, and loved working with the Code Senseis® that inspired and motivated him. As parents we loved that he was being exposed to areas of technology in all fields of study and had a place to belong and thrive. We knew early on in our son’s time at Code Ninjas that when we settled into a place that we were going to stay long term, we would open Code Ninjas and bring the amazing experience to our new community.
What is unique about your business?
We offer STEM programs for kids aged 5-14 after school and on the weekends. Aside from our JR (5-7 years old) and Create (7-14* years old) program we offer summer camps, Parent’s Night Out, special events, Clubs, and STEM programs for schools. Activities include game design and development, animation, LEGO ® Robotics, and electronic circuits.
Founding Family rates available for a limited time. You can contact us for more information about Camp Registration, too!
Business contact information:
Code Ninjas
3 W. Nine Mile Rd #5 ,Pensacola, FL 32563
850-889-8636 (O) 850-346-8441 (C)
Facebook and Instagram: @codeninjaspensacolafl