First Class Pickleball Comes to Nature Trail!
The game of pickleball has been increasing in popularity not only in our neighborhood but across the nation.

Pickleball play in Nature Trail was initiated by Mike and Kathryn Ross who approached the HOA in Spring 2017 to ask that pickleball court lines be overlayed on the two existing tennis courts. Nowadays, there are players on the courts almost daily, with a large gathering of twenty or more residents participating in round-robin play on Saturday mornings.
Thanks to the hard work of the Nature Trail Amenities Committee, Nature Trail now has a beautifully resurfaced multi-purpose court that includes two permanent pickleball courts, one tennis court, 2 pickleball courts with portable nets, and 2 basketball hoops. This upgrade to our courts will definitely be an enhancement to our community and has already attracted home buyers to Nature Trail. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Saturday, September 16th to welcome all residents to view the new courts, enjoy a hot dog and drink, and get a quick lesson on how to play pickleball. A special thank you to Billy and Tammy Anderson of Anderson Subaru for contributing to the pickleball courts upgrade.
Pickleball is an easy game to learn and a fun way to socialize. Many of our current players have a spare paddle and are willing to teach the game. In the Fall we hope to host clinics to introduce the sport and show how to get connected to other Nature Trail picklers on a GroupMe NT Pickleball app.
Thanks also to the Board of Directors for supporting this project that not only adds to the amenities in our community but encourages exercise and meeting neighbors!