Protect yourself, your family, and your property with VCFD’s “Ready, Set, Go!”

In light of this year’s unprecedented fires, we are updating and reprinting this past article covering Ventura County Fire’s “Ready, Set, Go!” initiative to keep your family and home safe in the event of a wildfire.
Get “Ready” in Advance
Personal Safety:
- Get in the habit of never letting your gas tank go below half a tank.
- Keep a “Go Bag” in your car of essential items: comfortable shoes, water, snacks, flashlight, phone power pack, N95 Masks, cap and protective eyewear for embers.
- Sign up for emergency “VC Alerts” at
- Pre-pack a supply of essential medicines, contact lenses/eyeglasses, toiletries.
- Make an evacuation plan in advance. What hotel or friend’s home would you want to evacuate to? Is it pet friendly?
- Have at least 2 or 3 exit routes in mind in advance of an emergency to get out of your area quickly.
- Formulate a plan for all your pets and pre-pack supplies. (leashes/carrier, food, water, dishes)
- Prepare to lose electricity. Ready emergency lights, fully charge cell phones.
- Download apps Watch Duty and Frontline Wildfire to monitor developments.
Home Protection:
- Have your house numbers clearly visible for emergency vehicles.
- Abide the mandatory 100 ft clearance for weed abatement near open space. Keep leaves out of your gutter and your roof free of debris.
- Keep Trees limbed up 10 feet from the ground and trimmed back 10 feet away from any structures.
- Have your computer backed up to the cloud, including photos. Scan in your scrapbooks. Take photos of artwork. Make digital copies of important documents.
- Consider getting an interactive doorbell like Ring. Firefighters can utilize these devices to talk with evacuated homeowners and give updates.
- Install cameras the on exterior/interior of your property to monitor your home and fire conditions remotely.
Get “Set” for an Evacuation Order
- Back your Car into your driveway for easy loading and a quick exit. Make sure it is outside (not in garage) and any electric gates are opened in advance.
- Make sure you take essential medicines/medical devices with you.
- Prepare children for departure and have a few toys/games packed.
- Have pets collared, leashed, and ready to go.
- Close all windows.
- Move patio cushions and flammable furniture away from your home.
- Pull down curtains/drapes if you have time – they tend to catch fire inside first.
- Turn on enough lighting that your home would be visible to firefighters in heavy smoke
- Mark your front door with your contact info. (use painter’s tape or a note that will not blow away)
- If you have a ladder, leave it where firefighters can see it and use if needed.
It’s Time to “Go!”
- Leave quickly. VCFD does not issue an evacuation order lightly, and the threat is imminent. Leave before Engines arrive so you are not in the way.
- Drive safely, in spite of your adrenaline level. Accidents will impede the evacuation.
- Stay informed about developments via news apps. Have them pre-downloaded onto your phone. Watch Duty and Frontline Wildfire are very useful apps or seeing evacuation and fire location information. One of my personal favorites is the “FlightRadar24” app which you can use to pinpoint fire locations by viewing the flight paths of helicopters/tankers working fires.
- Most importantly, VCFD stresses that it is very important to stay out of the area until the “all clear” is given to return. Even if the fire is under control, crews may need time to clear roads, secure power lines, and ensure the area is hazard-free for residents.
For more information, just go to
where you can find legal requirements for home clearance, educational materials, and further resources. Stay safe everyone!