A Walk on the Wild Side

Shelly O'Brien, Carla Ondrasik and Mara Rodriguez.
Photo on Cover - Shelly O'Brien, John Ondrasik, Carlla Ondrasik, and Mara Rodriguez
"I’ve always held a special place in my heart for animals. The connection I feel from them, whether snuggling up with my own furry best-friend, looking at images on Instagram or in magazines, or doing one of my favorite things, which is visiting our local zoo, my spirit becomes elevated and full of joy when I view the innocence and goodness of the animal kingdom. I tell as many friends and strangers as I can about a magical place"- Carla Ondrasik
Perched on a picturesque hilltop in Moorpark, lies a magical refuge filled with creatures who have found their forever home at the Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College, home to the Animal Care and Training major. Mara Rodriguez, a 32-year employee of The Teaching Zoo has also found her forever home among some wild friends.
Mara shared "My journey here began when I was 18 years old as a student in our Animal Care and Training program formerly known as EATM, Exotic Animal Training and Management". Rodriguez was offered a job at The Teaching Zoo on her graduation day, she would be responsible for creating the Junior Safari summer camp. Since that May Day in 1992, Mara has remained employed at the zoo in 4 different positions and continues to be the zoo's greatest advocate. "I love the word advocate because I feel a lot more balance in that word, compared to activist. My passion is to help all animals, in zoos and in the wild, and I believe many folks have gone to extremes in their opinions about animals and zoos while forgetting that our job is to create a planet they can live in safely and to help the individual animals that need rescuing, like our tiger". The zoo's tiger, named Neil, came to the zoo after being confiscated from a home in the Hollywood Hills and was born into the illegal pet trade. Rodriguez raised him and his best friend, Karma, since they were 12 weeks old. In September of last year, Neil and Karma, now seven years old, are enjoying a sprawling new habitat drawing hundreds of visitors every weekend. "The greatest gift you can give animals and humans is the gift of connection", explains Rodriguez, "every time a young child squeals in glee watching our tigers, we are strengthening the glue that holds our planet together. That is conservation action in its purest form"
Open to visitors every Saturday and Sunday, The Teaching Zoo students gain hands-on experience while in the one-of-a-kind Animal Care and Training major. "The animal care team, and the presenter in our wildlife shows and the person greeting you at the box office are all students. There is no better way to teach someone who is passionate about working in a zoo, than to put them to work in a zoo. Every aspect of this work corresponds with a class in the major, so all of the experience is class credit. It is a win-win," says Rodriguez. While visiting the zoo, guests are encouraged to enjoy a wildlife presentation, observe a big cat feeding or even celebrate a birthday in our party area.
The new tiger habitat is just the beginning of a master planned modernization of the zoo. A new wildlife theater and a total upgrade of the former big cat area are in the plans and will require a major fundraising campaign. "Clearly, financial contributions help us grow, but the first piece of that puzzle is to get people out here to figure out for themselves where they can help" says Rodriguez, “when you contribute, you become family and the relationship is ongoing and forever, like our animals and myself, you may find a forever home.”
I encourage everyone to make and feel the connection that is so unique to the animal kingdom. It’s right here in our own backyard. Literally 15 minutes from my own home in North Ranch! Do yourself a favor, choose a beautiful weekend afternoon to grab the family, young and old, visit our beautiful local teaching zoo, grab an ice cream or lunch after, and you will not only be supporting these beautiful creatures, but having a most beautiful experience for yourself and those you love!